Products / Cloud Computing / Numerical simulation


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) & Finite Elements Analysis (FEA, FEM, Mecanical, Thermal...)


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The Qarnot expertise

A superior performance

A user-friendly paltform

A secure & certified infrastructure

A low-carbon infrastructure by design

Need a dedicated server?

Discover our bare metal offer!

Being able to deploy computing power according to our needs and benefiting from a very practical API is what seduced us. And last, but not least, the fact that it reduces the carbon footprint of computation.
Qarnot is really interesting because it reduces the carbon footprint of our computation.
The lower carbon footprint, the platform, and the responsiveness of the support teams are the reasons why we work with Qarnot.
Our benchmarks have shown an impressive quality of service compared to other cloud providers. In addition, these services offer excellent value for money as well as a better carbon footprint.