
class qarnot.paginate.PaginateResponse(token: str, next_token: str, is_truncated: bool, page_data: List[Any])[source]

Bases: object

A paginate response

  • is_truncated (bool) – Is the object truncated

  • token (str) – the token to used to retrieve the page, defaults to None

  • next_token (str) – the next page token to be used to continue the pagination, defaults to None

  • page_data (list of json str objects representation.) – the data objects retrieved

__init__(token: str, next_token: str, is_truncated: bool, page_data: List[Any])[source]
class qarnot.paginate.OffsetResponse(total: int, offset: int, limit: int, page_data: List[Any])[source]

Bases: object

An offseet response

  • total (int) – the total number of data objects

  • offset (int) – the offset from which to display the response data, default to 0

  • limit (int) – the limit number of data objects to display

  • page_data (list of json str objects representation.) – the data objects retrieved

__init__(total: int, offset: int, limit: int, page_data: List[Any])[source]