Source code for qarnot.task

"""Module to handle a task."""

# Copyright 2017 Qarnot computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from os import makedirs, path
import time
import warnings
import sys
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, List, Any, Callable

from qarnot.retry_settings import RetrySettings
from qarnot.forced_network_rule import ForcedNetworkRule
from qarnot.secrets import SecretsAccessRights

from . import get_url, raise_on_error, _util
from .status import Status
from .hardware_constraint import HardwareConstraint
from .scheduling_type import SchedulingType
from .privileges import Privileges
from .bucket import Bucket
from .pool import Pool
from .error import Error
from .exceptions import MissingTaskException, MaxTaskException, NotEnoughCreditsException, \
    MissingBucketException, BucketStorageUnavailableException, MissingTaskInstanceException, QarnotGenericException, UnauthorizedException

    from progressbar import AnimatedMarker, Bar, Percentage, AdaptiveETA, ProgressBar
except ImportError:

RUNNING_DOWNLOADING_STATES = ['Submitted', 'PartiallyDispatched',
                              'FullyDispatched', 'PartiallyExecuting',
                              'FullyExecuting', 'DownloadingResults', 'UploadingResults']

JobType = Any
ConnectionType = Any
TaskType = Any
PoolType = Pool
BucketType = Optional[Bucket]
StatusType = Status
Uuid = str

[docs] class Task(object): """Represents a Qarnot task. .. note:: A :class:`Task` must be created with :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.create_task` or retrieved with :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.tasks` or :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.retrieve_task`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, connection: ConnectionType, name: str, profile_or_pool: Union[str, PoolType] = None, instancecount_or_range: Union[int, str] = 1, shortname: str = None, job: JobType = None, scheduling_type: SchedulingType = None): """Create a new :class:`Task`. :param connection: the cluster on which to send the task :type connection: :class:`~qarnot.connection.Connection` :param name: given name of the task :type name: :class:`str` :param profile_or_pool: which profile to use with this task, or which Pool to run task, :type profile_or_pool: str or :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` or None :param instancecount_or_range: number of instances or ranges on which to run task :type instancecount_or_range: int or str :param shortname: userfriendly task name :type shortname: :class:`str` :param job: which job to attach the task to :type job: :class:`~qarnot.job.Job` :param logger: which job to attach the task to :type logger: :class:`logging.Logger` """ self._name = name self._shortname = shortname self._profile = None self._pool_uuid = None self._job_uuid = None if profile_or_pool is not None: if isinstance(profile_or_pool, Pool): self._pool_uuid = profile_or_pool.uuid else: self._profile = profile_or_pool if job is not None: if isinstance(profile_or_pool, Pool): raise ValueError("Cannot attach a same task to pool and a job simultaneously") self._job_uuid = job.uuid if isinstance(instancecount_or_range, int): self._instancecount: int = instancecount_or_range self._advanced_range = None else: self._advanced_range = instancecount_or_range self._instancecount = 0 self._running_core_count = 0 self._running_instance_count = 0 self._resource_objects: List[BucketType] = [] self._result_object: BucketType = None self._connection = connection self._constants: Dict[str, Any] = {} """ :type: dict(str,str) Constants of the task. Can be set until :meth:`run` or :meth:`submit` is called .. note:: See available constants for a specific profile with :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.retrieve_profile`. """ self._secrets_access_rights: SecretsAccessRights = SecretsAccessRights() self._scheduling_type = scheduling_type self._targeted_reserved_machine_key: str = None self._dependentOn: List[Uuid] = [] self._auto_update = True self._last_auto_update_state = self._auto_update self._update_cache_time = 5 self._last_cache = time.time() self._constraints: Dict[str, str] = {} self._forced_constants: Dict[str, ForcedConstant] = {} self._forced_network_rules: List[ForcedNetworkRule] = [] self._labels: Dict[str, str] = {} self._state = 'UnSubmitted' # RO property same for below self._uuid = None self._snapshots: Union[int, bool] = False self._dirty = False self._rescount = -1 self._snapshot_whitelist: str = None self._snapshot_blacklist: str = None self._results_whitelist: str = None self._results_blacklist: str = None self._status = None self._completed_instances: List[CompletedInstance] = [] self._tags: List[str] = [] self._creation_date = None self._errors: Optional[List[Error]] = None self._resource_object_ids: List[str] = [] self._resource_object_advanced: List[str] = [] self._result_object_id = None self._is_summary = False self._completion_time_to_live = "00:00:00" self._auto_delete = False self._wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization: Optional[bool] = None self._previous_state = None self._state_transition_time = None self._previous_state_transition_time = None self._last_modified = None self._snapshot_interval = None self._progress = None self._execution_time = None self._wall_time = None self._end_date = None self._upload_results_on_cancellation: Optional[bool] = None self._hardware_constraints: List[HardwareConstraint] = [] self._default_resources_cache_ttl_sec: Optional[int] = None self._privileges: Privileges = Privileges() self._retry_settings: RetrySettings = RetrySettings()
@classmethod def _retrieve(cls, connection: ConnectionType, uuid: str) -> TaskType: """Retrieve a submitted task given its uuid. :param qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster to retrieve the task from :param str uuid: the uuid of the task to retrieve :rtype: Task :returns: The retrieved task. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: no such task """ resp = connection._get(get_url('task update', uuid=uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return Task.from_json(connection, resp.json())
[docs] def run(self, output_dir: str = None, job_timeout: float = None, live_progress: bool = False, results_progress: bool = None, follow_state: bool = False, follow_stdout: bool = False, follow_stderr: bool = False) -> None: """Submit a task, wait for the results and download them if required. :param str output_dir: (optional) path to a directory that will contain the results :param float job_timeout: (optional) Number of seconds before the task :meth:`abort` if it is not already finished :param bool live_progress: (optional) display a live progress :param results_progress: (optional) can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type results_progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :param bool follow_state: (optional) print the task's state every time it changes :param bool follow_stdout: (optional) refresh and print the task's stdout at every iteration :param bool follow_stderr: (optional) refresh and print the task's stderr at every iteration :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MaxTaskException: Task quota reached :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.NotEnoughCreditsException: Not enough credits :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. note:: Will ensure all added file are on the resource bucket regardless of their uploading mode. .. note:: If this function is interrupted (script killed for example), but the task is submitted, the task will still be executed remotely (results will not be downloaded) .. warning:: Will override *output_dir* content. """ self.submit() self.wait(timeout=job_timeout, live_progress=live_progress, follow_state=follow_state, follow_stdout=follow_stdout, follow_stderr=follow_stderr) if job_timeout is not None: self.abort() if output_dir is not None: self.download_results(output_dir, progress=results_progress)
[docs] def resume(self, output_dir: str, job_timeout: float = None, live_progress: bool = False, results_progress: bool = None) -> None: """Resume waiting for this task if it is still in submitted mode. Equivalent to :meth:`wait` + :meth:`download_results`. :param str output_dir: path to a directory that will contain the results :param float job_timeout: Number of seconds before the task :meth:`abort` if it is not already finished :param bool live_progress: display a live progress :param results_progress: can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type results_progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist .. note:: Do nothing if the task has not been submitted. .. warning:: Will override *output_dir* content. """ if self._uuid is not None: self.wait(timeout=job_timeout, live_progress=live_progress) self.download_results(output_dir, progress=results_progress)
[docs] def submit(self) -> None: """Submit task to the cluster if it is not already submitted. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MaxTaskException: Task quota reached :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.NotEnoughCreditsException: Not enough credits :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingBucketException: some buckets from task resources and results don't exist .. note:: Will ensure all added files are on the resource bucket regardless of their uploading mode. .. note:: To get the results, call :meth:`download_results` once the job is done. """ self._pre_submit() payload = self._to_json() resp = self._connection._post(get_url('tasks'), json=payload) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingBucketException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) # when pool or job is not found, the response return 400 and not 404 elif resp.status_code == 403: error_message = _util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp) if "maximum number of tasks reached" in error_message.lower(): raise MaxTaskException(error_message) raise UnauthorizedException(error_message) elif resp.status_code == 402: error_message = _util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp) if "hardware constraint" in error_message: raise QarnotGenericException(error_message) raise NotEnoughCreditsException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._uuid = resp.json()['uuid'] self._post_submit()
def _pre_submit(self) -> None: """Pre submit action on the task & its resources""" if self._uuid is None: for resource_buckets in self.resources: resource_buckets.flush() def _post_submit(self) -> None: """Post submit action on the task after submission""" if not isinstance(self._snapshots, bool): self.snapshot(self._snapshots) self.update(True)
[docs] def abort(self) -> None: """Abort this task if running. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid operation on non running task :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist """ self.update(True) resp = self._connection._post( get_url('task abort', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise UnauthorizedException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self.update(True)
[docs] def update_resources(self) -> None: """ Update resources for a running task. The typical workflow is as follows: 1. Upload new files on your resource bucket, 2. Call this method, 3. The new files will appear on all the compute nodes in the same resources folder as original resources Note: There is no way to know when the files are effectively transfered. This information is available on the compute node only. Note: The update is additive only: files deleted from the bucket will NOT be deleted from the task's resources directory. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist """ self.update(True) resp = self._connection._patch( get_url('task update', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self.update(True)
[docs] def delete(self, purge_resources: bool = False, purge_results: bool = False) -> None: """Delete this task on the server. :param bool purge_resources: parameter value is used to determine if the bucket is also deleted. Defaults to False. :param bool purge_results: parameter value is used to determine if the bucket is also deleted. Defaults to False. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist """ if purge_resources or purge_results: self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self._auto_update = False if self._uuid is None: return if purge_results and self.results is not None: try: self.results.update() except MissingBucketException: purge_results = False resp = self._connection._delete( get_url('task update', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) if purge_resources and len(self.resources) != 0: toremove = [] for r in self.resources: try: r.update() r.delete() toremove.append(r) except (MissingBucketException, BucketStorageUnavailableException) as exception: warnings.warn(str(exception)) for tr in toremove: self.resources.remove(tr) if purge_results and self._result_object is not None: try: self._result_object.delete() self._result_object = None except MissingBucketException as exception: warnings.warn(str(exception)) self._state = "Deleted" self._uuid = None
[docs] def update(self, flushcache: bool = False) -> None: """ Update the task object from the REST Api. The flushcache parameter can be used to force the update, otherwise a cached version of the object will be served when accessing properties of the object. Some methods will flush the cache, like :meth:`submit`, :meth:`abort`, :meth:`wait` and :meth:`instant`. Cache behavior is configurable with :attr:`auto_update` and :attr:`update_cache_time`. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not represent a valid one """ if self._uuid is None: return now = time.time() if (now - self._last_cache) < self._update_cache_time and not flushcache: return resp = self._connection._get( get_url('task update', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._update(resp.json()) self._last_cache = time.time() self._is_summary = False
def _update(self, json_task: Dict) -> None: """Update this task from retrieved info.""" self._name = json_task['name'] self._shortname = json_task.get('shortname') self._profile = json_task['profile'] self._pool_uuid = json_task.get('poolUuid') self._job_uuid = json_task.get('jobUuid') self._instancecount = json_task.get('instanceCount') self._advanced_range = json_task.get('advancedRanges') self._wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization = json_task.get('waitForPoolResourcesSynchronization', None) if json_task['runningCoreCount'] is not None: self._running_core_count = json_task['runningCoreCount'] if json_task['runningInstanceCount'] is not None: self._running_instance_count = json_task['runningInstanceCount'] if 'resourceBuckets' in json_task and json_task['resourceBuckets']: self._resource_object_ids = json_task['resourceBuckets'] if 'advancedResourceBuckets' in json_task and json_task['advancedResourceBuckets']: self._resource_object_advanced = json_task['advancedResourceBuckets'] if 'resultBucket' in json_task and json_task['resultBucket']: self._result_object_id = json_task['resultBucket'] if 'status' in json_task: self._status = json_task['status'] self._creation_date = _util.parse_datetime(json_task['creationDate']) if 'errors' in json_task: self._errors = [Error(d) for d in json_task['errors']] else: self._errors = [] if 'constants' in json_task: for constant in json_task['constants']: self._constants[constant.get('key')] = constant.get('value') if "secretsAccessRights" in json_task: self._secrets_access_rights = SecretsAccessRights.from_json(json_task["secretsAccessRights"]) self._uuid = json_task['uuid'] self._state = json_task['state'] self._tags = json_task.get('tags', None) self._upload_results_on_cancellation = json_task.get('uploadResultsOnCancellation', None) if 'resultsCount' in json_task: if self._rescount < json_task['resultsCount']: self._dirty = True self._rescount = json_task['resultsCount'] if 'resultsBlacklist' in json_task: self._results_blacklist = json_task['resultsBlacklist'] if 'resultsWhitelist' in json_task: self._results_whitelist = json_task['resultsWhitelist'] if 'snapshotWhitelist' in json_task: self._snapshot_whitelist = json_task['snapshotWhitelist'] if 'snapshotBlacklist' in json_task: self._snapshot_blacklist = json_task['snapshotBlacklist'] if 'completedInstances' in json_task: self._completed_instances = [CompletedInstance(x) for x in json_task['completedInstances']] else: self._completed_instances = [] if 'autoDeleteOnCompletion' in json_task: self._auto_delete = json_task["autoDeleteOnCompletion"] if 'completionTimeToLive' in json_task: self._completion_time_to_live = json_task["completionTimeToLive"] self._previous_state = json_task.get("previousState", None) self._state_transition_time = json_task.get("stateTransitionTime", None) self._previous_state_transition_time = json_task.get("previousStateTransitionTime", None) self._last_modified = json_task.get("lastModified", None) self._snapshot_interval = json_task.get("snapshotInterval", None) self._progress = json_task.get("progress", None) self._execution_time = json_task.get("executionTime", None) self._wall_time = json_task.get("wallTime", None) self._end_date = json_task.get("endDate", None) self._labels = json_task.get("labels", {}) self._hardware_constraints = [HardwareConstraint.from_json(hw_constraint_dict) for hw_constraint_dict in json_task.get("hardwareConstraints", [])] self._default_resources_cache_ttl_sec = json_task.get("defaultResourcesCacheTTLSec", None) self._targeted_reserved_machine_key = json_task.get("targetedReservedMachineKey", None) if 'privileges' in json_task: self._privileges = Privileges.from_json(json_task["privileges"]) if 'retrySettings' in json_task: self._retry_settings = RetrySettings.from_json(json_task["retrySettings"]) if 'schedulingType' in json_task: self._scheduling_type = SchedulingType.from_string(json_task["schedulingType"]) self._forced_network_rules = [ForcedNetworkRule.from_json(forced_network_dict) for forced_network_dict in json_task.get("forcedNetworkRules", [])]
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, connection: ConnectionType, json_task: Dict, is_summary: bool = False) -> TaskType: """Create a Task object from a json task. :param qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster connection :param dict json_task: Dictionary representing the task :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. """ if 'instanceCount' in json_task: instance_count_or_range = json_task['instanceCount'] else: instance_count_or_range = json_task['advancedRanges'] new_task = cls(connection, json_task['name'], json_task.get('profile') or json_task.get('poolUuid'), instance_count_or_range) new_task._update(json_task) new_task._is_summary = is_summary return new_task
[docs] def commit(self) -> None: """Replicate local changes on the current object instance to the REST API :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid operation on non running task :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not represent a valid one .. note:: When updating buckets' properties, auto update will be disabled until commit is called. """ data = self._to_json() resp = self._connection._put(get_url('task update', uuid=self._uuid), json=data) self._auto_update = self._last_auto_update_state if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise UnauthorizedException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp)
[docs] def wait(self, timeout: float = None, live_progress: bool = False, follow_state: bool = False, follow_stdout: bool = False, follow_stderr: bool = False) -> bool: """Wait for this task until it is completed. :param float timeout: maximum time (in seconds) to wait before returning (None => no timeout) :param bool live_progress: display a live progress :param bool follow_state: (optional) print the task's state every time it changes :param bool follow_stdout: (optional) refresh and print the task's stdout at every iteration :param bool follow_stderr: (optional) refresh and print the task's stderr at every iteration :rtype: :class:`bool` :returns: Is the task finished :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not represent a valid one """ live_progress = live_progress and sys.stdout.isatty() if live_progress: try: widgets = [ Percentage(), ' ', AnimatedMarker(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', AdaptiveETA() ] progressbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widgets, max_value=100) except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703 live_progress = False start = time.time() if self._uuid is None: self.update(True) return False nap = min(10, timeout) if timeout is not None else 10 last_state = None self.update(True) while self._state in RUNNING_DOWNLOADING_STATES: last_state = self.print_progress(follow_state, last_state, follow_stdout, follow_stderr) if live_progress: n = 0 progress = 0 while True: time.sleep(1) n += 1 if n >= nap: break progress = self.status.execution_progress if self.status is not None else 0 progress = max(0, min(progress, 100)) progressbar.update(progress) else: time.sleep(nap) self.update(True) last_state = self.print_progress(follow_state, last_state, follow_stdout, follow_stderr) if timeout is not None: elapsed = time.time() - start if timeout <= elapsed: self.update() return False else: nap = min(10, timeout - elapsed) self.update(True) last_state = self.print_progress(follow_state, last_state, follow_stdout, follow_stderr) if live_progress: progressbar.finish() return True
def print_progress(self, print_state: bool = False, last_known_state: str = None, print_stdout: bool = False, print_stderr: bool = False) -> str: if print_state: if self.state != last_known_state:"** State| %s" % self.state) if print_stdout: stdout = self.fresh_stdout() if print_stdout and stdout:"** Stdout| %s" % stdout) if print_stderr: stderr = self.fresh_stderr() if print_stderr and stderr: self._connection.logger_stderr.warning("** Stderr| %s" % stderr) return self.state
[docs] def snapshot(self, interval: int) -> None: """Start snapshooting results. If called, this task's results will be periodically updated, instead of only being available at the end. Snapshots will be taken every *interval* second from the time the task is submitted. :param int interval: the interval in seconds at which to take snapshots :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid operation on non running task :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not represent a valid one :raises ValueError: invalid interval parameter (positive interval required) .. note:: To get the temporary results, call :meth:`download_results`. """ if self._uuid is None: self._snapshots = interval return resp = self._connection._post(get_url('task snapshot', uuid=self._uuid), json={"interval": interval}) if resp.status_code == 400: raise ValueError(interval) elif resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise UnauthorizedException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._snapshots = True
[docs] def instant(self) -> None: """Make a snapshot of the current task. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid operation on non running task :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist .. note:: To get the temporary results, call :meth:`download_results`. """ if self._uuid is None: return resp = self._connection._post(get_url('task instant', uuid=self._uuid), json=None) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise UnauthorizedException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self.update(True)
@property def state(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: return this task's state State of the task. Value is in * UnSubmitted * Submitted * PartiallyDispatched * FullyDispatched * PartiallyExecuting * FullyExecuting * UploadingResults * DownloadingResults * PendingCancel * Cancelled * Success * Failure * PendingDelete .. warning:: this is the state of the task when the object was retrieved, call :meth:`update` for up to date value. """ if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._state @property def resources(self): """:type: list(:class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`) :getter: Returns this task's resources bucket :setter: Sets this task's resources bucket Represents resource files. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() if not self._resource_objects: for adv in self._resource_object_advanced: d = Bucket.from_json(self._connection, adv) self._resource_objects.append(d) for bid in self._resource_object_ids: d = Bucket(self._connection, bid) self._resource_objects.append(d) return self._resource_objects @resources.setter def resources(self, value: List[BucketType]): """This is a setter.""" self._resource_objects = value @property def results(self): """:type: :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` :getter: Returns this task's results bucket :setter: Sets this task's results bucket Represents results files.""" self._update_if_summary() if self._result_object is None and self._result_object_id is not None: self._result_object = Bucket(self._connection, self._result_object_id) if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._result_object @results.setter def results(self, value: Bucket): """ This is a setter.""" self._result_object = value
[docs] def download_results(self, output_dir: str, progress: Union[bool, Callable[[float, float, str], None]] = None) -> None: """Download results in given *output_dir*. :param str output_dir: local directory for the retrieved files. :param progress: can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingBucketException: the bucket is not on the server :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. warning:: Will override *output_dir* content. """ if self._uuid is not None: self.update() if not path.exists(output_dir): makedirs(output_dir) if self._dirty: self.results.get_all_files(output_dir, progress=progress)
[docs] def stdout(self, instanceId: Optional[int] = None): """Get the standard output of the task, or of a specific instance of the task, since its submission. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The standard output. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskInstanceException: task instance does not exist .. note:: The buffer is circular, if stdout is too big, prefer calling :meth:`fresh_stdout` regularly. """ if self._uuid is None: return "" if instanceId is not None: resp = self._connection._get( get_url('task instance stdout', uuid=self._uuid, instanceId=instanceId)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskInstanceException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) else: resp = self._connection._get( get_url('task stdout', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return resp.text
[docs] def fresh_stdout(self, instanceId: Optional[int] = None): """Get what has been written on the standard output since last time the output of the task or of the instance was retrieved. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The new output since last call. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskInstanceException: task instance does not exist """ if self._uuid is None: return "" if instanceId is not None: resp = self._connection._post( get_url('task instance stdout', uuid=self._uuid, instanceId=instanceId)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskInstanceException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) else: resp = self._connection._post( get_url('task stdout', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return resp.text
[docs] def stderr(self, instanceId: Optional[int] = None): """Get the standard error of the task, or of a specific instance of the task, since its submission. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The standard error. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskInstanceException: task instance does not exist .. note:: The buffer is circular, if stderr is too big, prefer calling :meth:`fresh_stderr` regularly. """ if self._uuid is None: return "" if instanceId is not None: resp = self._connection._get( get_url('task instance stderr', uuid=self._uuid, instanceId=instanceId)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskInstanceException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) else: resp = self._connection._get( get_url('task stderr', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return resp.text
[docs] def fresh_stderr(self, instanceId: Optional[int] = None): """Get what has been written on the standard error since last time the standard error of the task or of its instance was retrieved. :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The new error messages since last call. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskInstanceException: task instance does not exist """ if self._uuid is None: return "" if instanceId is not None: resp = self._connection._post( get_url('task instance stderr', uuid=self._uuid, instanceId=instanceId)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskInstanceException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) else: resp = self._connection._post( get_url('task stderr', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return resp.text
@property def uuid(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's uuid The task's uuid. Automatically set when a task is submitted. """ return self._uuid @property def name(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's name :setter: Sets this task's name The task's name. Can be set until task is submitted. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str): """Setter for name.""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") else: self._name = value @property def shortname(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's shortname :setter: Sets this task's shortname The task's shortname, must be DNS compliant and unique, if not provided, will default to :attr:`uuid`. Can be set until task is submitted. """ return self._shortname @shortname.setter def shortname(self, value: str): """Setter for shortname.""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") else: self._shortname = value @property def tags(self): """:type: :class:list(`str`) :getter: Returns this task's tags :setter: Sets this task's tags Custom tags. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value: List[str]): """setter for tags""" self._tags = value self._auto_update = False @property def pool(self): """:type: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` :getter: Returns this task's pool :setter: Sets this task's pool The pool to run the task in. Can be set until :meth:`run` is called. .. warning:: This property is mutually exclusive with :attr:`profile` """ return self._connection.retrieve_pool(self._pool_uuid) @pool.setter def pool(self, value: PoolType): """setter for pool""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") if self._profile is not None: raise AttributeError("Can't set pool if profile is not None") else: self._pool_uuid = value.uuid @property def profile(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's profile :setter: Sets this task's profile The profile to run the task with. Can be set until :meth:`run` or :meth:`submit` is called. .. warning:: This property is mutually exclusive with :attr:`pool` """ return self._profile @profile.setter def profile(self, value: str): """setter for profile""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") if self._pool_uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("Can't set profile if pool is not None") else: self._profile = value @property def instancecount(self): """:type: :class:`int` :getter: Returns this task's instance count :setter: Sets this task's instance count Number of instances needed for the task. Can be set until :meth:`run` or :meth:`submit` is called. :raises AttributeError: if :attr:`advanced_range` is not None when setting this property .. warning:: This property is mutually exclusive with :attr:`advanced_range` """ return self._instancecount @instancecount.setter def instancecount(self, value: int): """Setter for instancecount.""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") if self.advanced_range is not None: raise AttributeError("Can't set instancecount if advanced_range is not None") self._instancecount = value @property def running_core_count(self): """:type: :class:`int` :getter: Returns this task's running core count Number of core running inside the task. """ return self._running_core_count @property def running_instance_count(self): """:type: :class:`int` :getter: Returns this task's running instance count Number of instances running inside the task. """ return self._running_instance_count @property def advanced_range(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's advanced range :setter: Sets this task's advanced range Advanced instances range selection. Allows to select which instances will be computed. Should be None or match the following extended regular expression """r"""**"([0-9]+|[0-9]+-[0-9]+)(,([0-9]+|[0-9]+-[0-9]+))+"** eg: 1,3-8,9,12-19 Can be set until :meth:`run` is called. :raises AttributeError: if :attr:`instancecount` is not 0 when setting this property .. warning:: This property is mutually exclusive with :attr:`instancecount` """ return self._advanced_range @advanced_range.setter def advanced_range(self, value: str): """Setter for advanced_range.""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") if self.instancecount != 0: raise AttributeError("Can't set advanced_range if instancecount is not 0") self._advanced_range = value @property def snapshot_whitelist(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's snapshot whitelist :setter: Sets this task's snapshot whitelist Snapshot white list (regex) for :meth:`snapshot` and :meth:`instant` Can be set until task is submitted. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._snapshot_whitelist @snapshot_whitelist.setter def snapshot_whitelist(self, value: str): """Setter for snapshot whitelist, this can only be set before tasks submission """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._snapshot_whitelist = value @property def snapshot_blacklist(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's snapshot blacklist :setter: Sets this task's snapshot blacklist Snapshot black list (regex) for :meth:`snapshot` :meth:`instant` Can be set until task is submitted. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._snapshot_blacklist @snapshot_blacklist.setter def snapshot_blacklist(self, value: str): """Setter for snapshot blacklist, this can only be set before tasks submission """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._snapshot_blacklist = value @property def results_whitelist(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's results whitelist :setter: Sets this task's results whitelist Results whitelist (regex) Can be set until task is submitted. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._results_whitelist @results_whitelist.setter def results_whitelist(self, value: str): """Setter for results whitelist, this can only be set before tasks submission """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._results_whitelist = value @property def results_blacklist(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this task's results blacklist :setter: Sets this task's results blacklist Results blacklist (regex) Can be set until task is submitted. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._results_blacklist @results_blacklist.setter def results_blacklist(self, value: str): """Setter for results blacklist, this can only be set before tasks submission """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._results_blacklist = value @property def status(self): """:type: :class:`~qarnot.status.Status` :getter: Returns this task's status Status of the task """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() if self._status: return Status(self._status) return self._status @property def completed_instances(self): """:type: list(:class:`CompletedInstance`) :getter: Return this task's completed instances """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._completed_instances @property def creation_date(self): """:type: :class:`~datetime.datetime` :getter: Returns this task's creation date Creation date of the task (UTC Time) """ return self._creation_date @property def errors(self): """:type: list(`Error`) :getter: Returns this task's errors if any. Error reason if any, empty string if none """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._errors @property def constants(self): """:type: dictionary{:class:`str` : :class:`str`} :getter: Returns this task's constants dictionary. :setter: set the task's constants dictionary. Update the constants if needed. Constants are used to configure the profiles, set them to change your profile's parameters. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._constants @constants.setter def constants(self, value: Dict[str, str]): """Setter for constants """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() self._constants = value @property def secrets_access_rights(self): """:type: :class:`~qarnot.secrets.SecretsAccessRights` :getter: Returns the description of the secrets this task will have access to when running. :setter: set the secrets this task will have access to when running. Secrets can be accessible either by exact match on the key or by using a prefix in order to match all the secrets starting with said prefix. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._secrets_access_rights @secrets_access_rights.setter def secrets_access_rights(self, value: SecretsAccessRights): """Setter for secrets access rights """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() self._secrets_access_rights = value @property def constraints(self): """:type: dictionary{:class:`str` : :class:`str`} :getter: Returns this task's constraints dictionary. :setter: set the task's constraints dictionary. Update the constraints if needed. advance usage """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._constraints @constraints.setter def constraints(self, value: Dict[str, str]): """Setter for constraints """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() self._constraints = value @property def forced_constants(self): """:type: dictionary{:class:`str` : :class:`~qarnot.task.ForcedConstant`} :getter: Returns this task's forced constants dictionary. :setter: set the task's forced constants dictionary. Update the forced constants if needed. Forced constants are reserved for internal use. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._forced_constants @forced_constants.setter def forced_constants(self, value: Dict[str, "ForcedConstant"]): """Setter for forced_constants """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() self._forced_constants = value @property def forced_network_rules(self): """:type: list{:class:`~qarnot.forced_network_rule.ForcedNetworkRule`} :getter: Returns this task's forced network rules list. :setter: set the task's forced network rules list. Update the forced network rules if needed. Forced network rules are reserved for internal use. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._forced_network_rules @forced_network_rules.setter def forced_network_rules(self, value: List["ForcedNetworkRule"]): """Setter for forced_constants """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._forced_network_rules = value @property def labels(self): """:type: dictionary{:class:`str` : :class:`str`} :getter: Returns this task's labels dictionary. :setter: Set the task's labels dictionary. Update the labels if needed. Labels are used to attach arbitrary key / value pairs to a task in order to find them later with greater ease. They do not affect the execution of a task. """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._labels @labels.setter def labels(self, value): """Setter for labels """ self._update_if_summary() if self._auto_update: self.update() if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._labels = value @property def wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization(self): """:type: :class:`bool` or None :getter: Returns this task's wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization. :setter: set the task's wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization. :raises AttributeError: can't set this attribute on a launched task """ return self._wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization @wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization.setter def wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization(self, value: Optional[bool]): """Setter for wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization = value @property def auto_update(self): """:type: :class:`bool` :getter: Returns this task's auto update state :setter: Sets this task's auto update state Auto update state, default to True When auto update is disabled properties will always return cached value for the object and a call to :meth:`update` will be required to get latest values from the REST Api. """ return self._auto_update @auto_update.setter def auto_update(self, value: bool): """Setter for auto_update feature """ self._auto_update = value self._last_auto_update_state = self._auto_update @property def update_cache_time(self): """:type: :class:`int` :getter: Returns this task's auto update state :setter: Sets this task's auto update state Cache expiration time, default to 5s """ return self._update_cache_time @update_cache_time.setter def update_cache_time(self, value: int): """Setter for update_cache_time """ self._update_cache_time = value @property def upload_results_on_cancellation(self) -> Optional[bool]: """:type: :class:`bool`, optional :getter: Whether task results will be uploaded upon task cancellation :setter: Set to `True` to upload results on task cancellation, `False` to make sure they won't be uploaded, and keep to `None` to get the default behavior. :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._upload_results_on_cancellation @upload_results_on_cancellation.setter def upload_results_on_cancellation(self, value: Optional[bool]): """Setter for upload_results_on_cancellation """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._upload_results_on_cancellation = value
[docs] def set_task_dependencies_from_uuids(self, uuids: Uuid): """Setter for the task dependencies using uuid """ self._dependentOn += uuids
[docs] def set_task_dependencies_from_tasks(self, tasks: List[TaskType]): """Setter for the task dependencies using tasks """ self._dependentOn += [task._uuid for task in tasks]
@property def hardware_constraints(self): """:type: :class:`list`, optional :getter: setup the hardware constraints :setter: Set up specific hardware constraints. :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._hardware_constraints @hardware_constraints.setter def hardware_constraints(self, value): """Setter for hardware_constraints """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._hardware_constraints = value @property def default_resources_cache_ttl_sec(self) -> Optional[int]: """:type: :class:`int`, optional :getter: The default time to live used for all the task resources cache :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._default_resources_cache_ttl_sec @default_resources_cache_ttl_sec.setter def default_resources_cache_ttl_sec(self, value: Optional[int]): """Setter for default_resources_cache_ttl_sec """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._default_resources_cache_ttl_sec = value @property def privileges(self) -> Privileges: """:type: :class:`~qarnot.privileges.Privileges` :getter: The privileges granted to the task :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._privileges @privileges.setter def privileges(self, value: Privileges): """Setter for privileges """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._privileges = value
[docs] def allow_credentials_to_be_exported_to_task_environment(self): """Grant privilege to export api and storage credentials to the task environment""" if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") if self._privileges is None: self._privileges = Privileges() self._privileges._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment = True
@property def retry_settings(self) -> RetrySettings: """:type: :class:`~qarnot.retry_settings.RetrySettings` :getter: The retry settings for the task instances :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._retry_settings @retry_settings.setter def retry_settings(self, value: RetrySettings): """Setter for retry_settings """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._retry_settings = value @property def scheduling_type(self) -> SchedulingType: """:type: :class:`~qarnot.scheduling_type.SchedulingType` :getter: The scheduling type for the task :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._scheduling_type @scheduling_type.setter def scheduling_type(self, value: SchedulingType): """Setter for scheduling_type """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._scheduling_type = value @property def targeted_reserved_machine_key(self) -> str: """:type: :class:`str` :getter: The reserved machine key when using the "reserved" scheduling type :raises AttributeError: trying to set this after the task is submitted """ return self._targeted_reserved_machine_key @targeted_reserved_machine_key.setter def targeted_reserved_machine_key(self, value: str): """Setted for targeted_reserved_machine_key """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._targeted_reserved_machine_key = value @property def auto_delete(self): """Autodelete this Task if it is finished and your max number of task is reach Can be set until :meth:`run` or :meth:`submit` is called. :type: :class:`bool` :getter: Returns is this task must autodelete :setter: Sets this task's autodelete :default_value: "False" :raises AttributeError: if you try to reset the auto_delete after the task is submit """ self._update_if_summary() return self._auto_delete @auto_delete.setter def auto_delete(self, value: bool): """Setter for auto_delete, this can only be set before tasks submission """ self._update_if_summary() if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched task") self._auto_delete = value @property def completion_ttl(self): """The task will be auto delete `completion_ttl` after it is finished Can be set until :meth:`run` or :meth:`submit` is called. :getter: Returns this task's completed time to live. :type: :class:`str` :setter: Sets this task's this task's completed time to live. :type: :class:`str` or :class:`datetime.timedelta` :default_value: "" :raises AttributeError: if you try to set it after the task is submitted The `completion_ttl` must be a timedelta or a time span format string (example: ``d.hh:mm:ss`` or ``hh:mm:ss`` ) """ self._update_if_summary() return self._completion_time_to_live @completion_ttl.setter def completion_ttl(self, value): """Setter for completion_ttl, this can only be set before tasks submission""" self._update_if_summary() if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") self._completion_time_to_live = _util.parse_to_timespan_string(value) @property def previous_state(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running task's previous state """ self._update_if_summary() return self._previous_state @property def state_transition_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running task's transition state time task state transition time (UTC Time) """ self._update_if_summary() return self._state_transition_time @property def previous_state_transition_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running task's previous transition state time task previous state transition time (UTC Time) """ self._update_if_summary() return self._previous_state_transition_time @property def last_modified(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running task's last modification time task's last modified time (UTC Time) """ self._update_if_summary() return self._last_modified @property def execution_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running task's total CPU execution time. task's execution time of all it's instances. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._execution_time @property def end_date(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the finished task's end date. task's end date (UTC Time) """ self._update_if_summary() return self._end_date @property def wall_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: task's wall time. task's wall time """ self._update_if_summary() return self._wall_time @property def snapshot_interval(self): """ :type: :class:`int` :getter: task's snapshot interval in seconds. task's snapshot interval in seconds. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._snapshot_interval @property def progress(self): """ :type: :class:`float` :getter: task's progress in %. task's progress in %. """ self._update_if_summary() return self._progress def _to_json(self): """Get a dict ready to be json packed from this task.""" const_list = [ {'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in self._constants.items() ] constr_list = [ {'key': key, 'value': value} for key, value in self._constraints.items() ] forced_const_list = [ value.to_json(key) for key, value in self._forced_constants.items() ] json_task = { 'name': self._name, 'profile': self._profile, 'poolUuid': self._pool_uuid, 'jobUuid': None if self._job_uuid == "" else self._job_uuid, 'constants': const_list, 'constraints': constr_list, 'forcedConstants': forced_const_list, 'dependencies': {}, 'waitForPoolResourcesSynchronization': self._wait_for_pool_resources_synchronization, 'uploadResultsOnCancellation': self._upload_results_on_cancellation, 'labels': self._labels, } json_task['dependencies']["dependsOn"] = self._dependentOn if self._shortname is not None: json_task['shortname'] = self._shortname self._resource_object_advanced = [x.to_json() for x in self._resource_objects] json_task['advancedResourceBuckets'] = self._resource_object_advanced if self._result_object is not None: json_task['resultBucket'] = self._result_object.uuid if self._advanced_range is not None: json_task['advancedRanges'] = self._advanced_range else: json_task['instanceCount'] = self._instancecount json_task["tags"] = self._tags if self._snapshot_whitelist is not None: json_task['snapshotWhitelist'] = self._snapshot_whitelist if self._snapshot_blacklist is not None: json_task['snapshotBlacklist'] = self._snapshot_blacklist if self._results_whitelist is not None: json_task['resultsWhitelist'] = self._results_whitelist if self._results_blacklist is not None: json_task['resultsBlacklist'] = self._results_blacklist json_task['autoDeleteOnCompletion'] = self._auto_delete json_task['completionTimeToLive'] = self._completion_time_to_live json_task['hardwareConstraints'] = [x.to_json() for x in self._hardware_constraints] json_task['defaultResourcesCacheTTLSec'] = self._default_resources_cache_ttl_sec json_task['privileges'] = self._privileges.to_json() json_task['retrySettings'] = self._retry_settings.to_json() if self._scheduling_type is not None: json_task['schedulingType'] = self._scheduling_type.schedulingType if self._targeted_reserved_machine_key is not None: json_task["targetedReservedMachineKey"] = self._targeted_reserved_machine_key if self._forced_network_rules is not None: json_task['forcedNetworkRules'] = [x.to_json() for x in self._forced_network_rules] if self._secrets_access_rights: json_task["secretsAccessRights"] = self._secrets_access_rights.to_json() return json_task def _update_if_summary(self): """Trigger flush update if the task is made from a summary. This should be called before accessing any fields not contained in a summary task """ if self._is_summary: self.update(True) def __repr__(self): return '{0} - {1} - {2} - {3} - InstanceCount : {4} - {5} - Resources : {6} - Results : {7}'\ .format(, self.shortname, self._uuid, self._profile, self._instancecount, self.state, ([bucket._uuid for bucket in self._resource_objects] if self._resource_objects is not None else ""), (self._result_object.uuid if self._result_object is not None else "")) # Context manager def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): if (exc_type is None) or exc_type != MissingTaskException: self.delete() return False
[docs] class CompletedInstance(object): """Completed Instance Information .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any]): self.instance_id = json['instanceId'] """:type: :class:`int` Instance number.""" self.state = json['state'] """:type: :class:`str` Instance final state.""" self.wall_time_sec = json['wallTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Instance wall time in seconds.""" self.exec_time_sec = json['execTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Execution time in seconds.""" self.exec_time_sec_ghz = json['execTimeSecGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Execution time in seconds GHz.""" self.peak_memory_mb = json['peakMemoryMB'] """:type: :class:`int` Peak memory size in MB.""" self.average_ghz = json['averageGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Instance execution time GHz""" self.results = json['results'] """:type: :class:list(`str`) Instance produced results""" self.execution_attempt_count = json.get('executionAttemptCount', 0) """:type: :class:`int` Number of execution attempt of an instance, (manly in case of preemption)."""
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] class BulkTaskResponse(object): """Bulk Task Response Information .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any]): self.status_code = json['statusCode'] """:type: :class:`int` Status code.""" self.uuid = json['uuid'] """:type: :class:`str` Created Task Uuid.""" self.message = json['message'] """:type: :class:`str` User friendly error message."""
[docs] def is_success(self): """Check that the task submit has been successful. :rtype: :class:`bool` :returns: The task creation success(depending on received uuid and the status code). """ return self.status_code >= 200 and self.status_code < 300 and self.uuid
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] class ForcedConstantAccess(Enum): ReadWrite = "ReadWrite" ReadOnly = "ReadOnly"
[docs] class ForcedConstant(object): """Forced Constant Information .. note:: For internal usage only """
[docs] def __init__(self, forced_value: str, force_export_in_environment: Optional[bool] = None, access: Optional[ForcedConstantAccess] = None): self.forced_value = forced_value """:type: :class:`str` Forced value for the constant.""" self.force_export_in_environment = force_export_in_environment """:type: :class:`bool` Whether the constant should be forced in the execution environment or not.""" self.access = access """:type: :class:`~qarnot.task.ForcedConstantAccess` The access level of the constant: ReadOnly or ReadWrite."""
def to_json(self, name: str): result: Dict[str, Union[str, bool]] = { "constantName": name, "forcedValue": self.forced_value, } if self.force_export_in_environment is not None: result["forceExportInEnvironment"] = self.force_export_in_environment if self.access is not None: result["access"] = self.access.value return result