Source code for

"""Storage prototype"""

# Copyright 2017 Qarnot computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# pylint: disable=W0613

import inspect
import os
import os.path
import deprecation
from . import __version__

[docs]class Storage(object): """Common architecture for storage providers """
[docs] def get_all_files(self, output_dir, progress=None): """Get all files from the storage. :param str output_dir: local directory for the retrieved files. :param progress: can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingBucketException: the bucket is not on the server :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. warning:: Will override *output_dir* content. """ for file_info in self: outpath = os.path.normpath(file_info.key.lstrip('/')) self.get_file(file_info.key, os.path.join(output_dir, outpath), progress)
[docs] def __init__(self): self._uuid = None
def _not_implemented(self): raise NotImplementedError("Class %s doesn't implement %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, inspect.stack()[1][3]))
[docs] def list_files(self): """List files on the storage. ... note: File object returned *must* have a `key` property. :returns: List of the files on the storage. """ self._not_implemented()
def _download_file(self, remote, local, progress=None): """Actual file downloader. :param remote: the name of the remote file :type remote: str :param str local: local name of the retrieved file (defaults to *remote*) :param progress: can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The name of the output file. """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] def get_file(self, remote, local=None, progress=None): """Get a file from the storage. Create needed subfolders. :param remote: the name of the remote file :type remote: str :param str local: local name of the retrieved file (defaults to *remote*) :param progress: can be a callback (read,total,filename) or True to display a progress bar :type progress: bool or function(float, float, str) :rtype: :class:`str` :returns: The name of the output file. :raises ValueError: no such file """ def make_dirs(_local): """Make directory if needed""" directory = os.path.dirname(_local) if directory != '' and not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if local is None: local = os.path.basename(remote) if os.path.isdir(local): local = os.path.join(local, os.path.basename(remote)) make_dirs(local) if os.path.isdir(local): return return self._download_file(remote, local, progress)
[docs] def copy_file(self, source, dest): """Create a copy of a file :param str source: name of the existing file to duplicate :param str dest: name of the created file """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] def add_directory(self, local, remote): """ Add a directory to the storage. Does not follow symlinks. File hierarchy is preserved. :param str local: path of the local directory to add :param str remote: path of the directory on remote node (defaults to *local*) :raises IOError: not a valid directory """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] def add_file(self, local_or_file, remote): """Add a local file or a Python File on the storage. .. note:: You can also use **object[remote] = local** :param local_or_file: path of the local file or an opened Python File :type local_or_file: str or File :param str remote: name of the remote file (defaults to *local_or_file*) """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] def delete_file(self, remote): """Delete a file from the storage. :param str remote: the name of the remote file """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.6.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Legacy function") def update(self, flush=None): """Update object from remote endpoint :param bool flush: bypass cache """ self._not_implemented()
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.6.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Legacy function") def flush(self): """Ensure all background uploads are complete """ self._not_implemented()
# Operators def __getitem__(self, filename): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" try: return self.get_file(filename) except ValueError as error: raise KeyError(filename) from error def __setitem__(self, remote, filename): """x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y""" if os.path.isdir(filename): return self.add_directory(filename, remote) return self.add_file(filename, remote) def __delitem__(self, filename): """x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]""" try: return self.delete_file(filename) except ValueError as error: raise KeyError(filename) from error def __contains__(self, item): """D.__contains__(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False""" return item in self.list_files() def __iter__(self): """x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)""" return iter(self.list_files()) def __eq__(self, other): """x.__eq__(y) <==> x == y""" if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self._uuid == other._uuid return False def __ne__(self, other): """x.__ne__(y) <==> x != y""" return not self.__eq__(other)