Source code for qarnot.status

# Status
import sys

[docs]class Status(object): """ The status object of the running pools and tasks. * To retrieve the status of a pool, use: >>> my_pool.status * To retrieve the status of a task, use: >>> my_task.status .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.download_progress = json['downloadProgress'] """:type: :class:`float` Resources download progress to the instances.""" self.execution_progress = json['executionProgress'] """:type: :class:`float` Task execution progress.""" self.upload_progress = json['uploadProgress'] """:type: :class:`float` Task results upload progress to the API.""" self.instance_count = json['instanceCount'] """:type: :class:`int` Number of running instances.""" self.download_time = json['downloadTime'] """:type: :class:`str` Resources download time to the instances.""" self.download_time_sec = json['downloadTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Resources download time to the instances in seconds.""" self.environment_time = json['environmentTime'] """:type: :class:`str` Environment time to the instances.""" self.environment_time_sec = json['environmentTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Environment time to the instances in seconds.""" self.execution_time = json['executionTime'] """:type: :class:`str` Task execution time.""" self.execution_time_sec = json['executionTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Task execution time in seconds.""" self.upload_time = json['uploadTime'] """:type: :class:`str` Task results upload time to the API.""" self.upload_time_sec = json['uploadTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Task results upload time to the API in seconds.""" self.wall_time = json["wallTime"] """:type: :class:`str` Wall time of the task.""" self.wall_time_sec = json["wallTimeSec"] """:type: :class:`float` Wall time of the task in seconds.""" self.succeeded_range = json['succeededRange'] """:type: :class:`str` Successful instances range.""" self.executed_range = json['executedRange'] """:type: :class:`str` Executed instances range.""" self.failed_range = json['failedRange'] """:type: :class:`str` Failed instances range.""" self.last_update_timestamp = json["lastUpdateTimestamp"] """:type: :class:`str` Last update time (UTC).""" self.execution_time_by_cpu_model = [ExecutionTimeByCpuModel(timeCpu) for timeCpu in json["executionTimeByCpuModel"]] """:type: :class:`str` Execution time by cpu.""" self.execution_time_ghz_by_cpu_model = [ExecutionTimeGhzByCpuModel(timeCpu) for timeCpu in json["executionTimeGhzByCpuModel"]] """:type: :class:`str` Execution time ghz by cpu.""" self.running_instances_info = None """:type: :class:`RunningInstancesInfo` Running instances information.""" if 'runningInstancesInfo' in json and json['runningInstancesInfo'] is not None: self.running_instances_info = RunningInstancesInfo(json['runningInstancesInfo'])
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class RunningInstancesInfo(object): """Running Instances Information .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.per_running_instance_info = [] """:type: list(:class:`PerRunningInstanceInfo`) Per running instances information.""" if 'perRunningInstanceInfo' in json and json['perRunningInstanceInfo'] is not None: self.per_running_instance_info = [PerRunningInstanceInfo(x) for x in json['perRunningInstanceInfo']] self.timestamp = json['timestamp'] """:type: :class:`str` Last information update timestamp.""" self.average_frequency_ghz = json['averageFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Average Frequency in GHz.""" self.max_frequency_ghz = json['maxFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Maximum Frequency in GHz.""" self.min_frequency_ghz = json['minFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Minimum Frequency in GHz.""" self.average_max_frequency_ghz = json['averageMaxFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Average Maximum Frequency in GHz.""" self.average_cpu_usage = json['averageCpuUsage'] """:type: :class:`float` Average CPU Usage.""" self.cluster_power_indicator = json['clusterPowerIndicator'] """:type: :class:`float` Cluster Power Indicator.""" self.average_memory_usage = json['averageMemoryUsage'] """:type: :class:`float` Average Memory Usage.""" self.average_network_in_kbps = json['averageNetworkInKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Average Network Input in Kbps.""" self.average_network_out_kbps = json['averageNetworkOutKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Average Network Output in Kbps.""" self.total_network_in_kbps = json['totalNetworkInKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Total Network Input in Kbps.""" self.total_network_out_kbps = json['totalNetworkOutKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Total Network Output in Kbps.""" self.snapshot_results = json['snapshotResults'] """:type: :class:`float` Total Network Output in Kbps.""" self.running_core_count_by_cpu_model = json['runningCoreCountByCpuModel'] """:type: :class:`float` Total Network Output in Kbps."""
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class PerRunningInstanceInfo(object): """Per Running Instance Information .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.phase = json['phase'] """:type: :class:`str` Instance phase.""" self.instance_id = json['instanceId'] """:type: :class:`int` Instance number.""" self.max_frequency_ghz = json['maxFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Maximum CPU frequency in GHz.""" self.current_frequency_ghz = json['currentFrequencyGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Current CPU frequency in GHz.""" self.cpu_usage = json['cpuUsage'] """:type: :class:`float` Current CPU usage.""" self.max_memory_mb = json['maxMemoryMB'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum memory size in MB.""" self.current_memory_mb = json['currentMemoryMB'] """:type: :class:`int` Current memory size in MB.""" self.memory_usage = json['memoryUsage'] """:type: :class:`float` Current memory usage.""" self.network_in_kbps = json['networkInKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Network Input in Kbps.""" self.network_out_kbps = json['networkOutKbps'] """:type: :class:`float` Network Output in Kbps.""" self.progress = json['progress'] """:type: :class:`float` Instance progress.""" self.execution_time_sec = json['executionTimeSec'] """:type: :class:`float` Instance execution time in seconds.""" self.execution_time_ghz = json['executionTimeGHz'] """:type: :class:`float` Instance execution time GHz""" self.cpu_model = json['cpuModel'] """:type: :class:`str` CPU model""" self.execution_attempt_count = json.get('executionAttemptCount', 0) """:type: :class:`int` Number of execution attempt of an instance, (manly in case of preemption).""" self.active_forward = [] """type: list(:class:`TaskActiveForward`) Active forwards list.""" if 'activeForwards' in json: self.active_forward = [TaskActiveForward(x) for x in json['activeForwards']] self.vpn_connections = [] """type: list(:class:`TaskVpnConnection`) Vpn connection list.""" if "vpnConnections" in json: self.vpn_connections = [TaskVpnConnection(x) for x in json["vpnConnections"]]
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class TaskActiveForward(object): """Task Active Forward .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.application_port = json['applicationPort'] """:type: :class:`int` Application Port.""" self.forwarder_port = json['forwarderPort'] """:type: :class:`int` Forwarder Port.""" self.forwarder_host = json['forwarderHost'] """:type: :class:`str` Forwarder Host.""" self.bind_address = json.get('bindAddress') """:type: :class:`str` Bind address of the listening socket on the forwarder host."""
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs]class ExecutionTimeByCpuModel: """Execution time by Cpu model .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.model = json["model"] """:type: :class:`str` Cpu Model.""" self.time = json["time"] """:type: :class:`int` Execution time in seconds.""" self.core = json["core"] """:type: :class:`int` CPU Cores."""
def __repr__(self): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items())
[docs]class ExecutionTimeGhzByCpuModel: """Execution time Gtz by Cpu model .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.model = json["model"] """:type: :class:`str` Cpu Model.""" self.time_ghz = json["timeGhz"] """:type: :class:`float` Execution time in Gigahertz.""" self.clock_ratio = json["clockRatio"] """:type: :class:`int` Cpu clock ratio.""" self.core = json["core"] """:type: :class:`int` CPU Cores."""
def __repr__(self): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items())
[docs]class TaskVpnConnection(object): """ Vpn Connection Information .. note:: Read-only class """
[docs] def __init__(self, json): self.node_ip_address_cidr = json['nodeIPAddressCidr'] """:type: :class:`str` Vpn classless inter-domain routing address.""" self.vpn_name = json['vpnName'] """:type: :class:`str` Vpn name."""
def __repr__(self): if sys.version_info > (3, 0): return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.items()) else: return ', '.join("{0}={1}".format(key, val) for (key, val) in self.__dict__.iteritems()) # pylint: disable=no-member