Source code for qarnot.privileges

"""Privileges that can be granted by user to tasks and pools"""

from typing import Dict

[docs]class Privileges(object): """Represents task privileges.""" _exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment: bool = False # Export the Api and Storage credentials to the task/pool environment
[docs] def __init__(self, exportCredentialsInEnv: bool = False): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.privileges.Privileges`. :param bool exportCredentialsInEnv: if the task should export its api and storage credentials to its environment. Default is False.""" self._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment = exportCredentialsInEnv
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json: Dict[str, bool]): """Create the privileges from json. :param dict json: Dictionary representing the privileges :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.privileges.Privileges` """ shouldExportCredentialsInEnvironment: bool = json["exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment"] return Privileges(shouldExportCredentialsInEnvironment)
[docs] def to_json(self) -> Dict[str, bool]: """Get a dict ready to be json packed. :return: the json elements of the class. :rtype: `dict` """ return { "exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment": self._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment }
def __eq__(self, other): if other is None: return False return self._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment == other._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment def __str__(self) -> str: return "privileges: exportCredentialsInEnvironnement {}.".format(self._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "privileges.Privileges(exportCredentialsInEnv: {})".format(self._exportApiAndStorageCredentialsInEnvironment)