Source code for qarnot.job

"""Module to handle a job."""

# Copyright 2017 Qarnot computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import time
import datetime

from .task import Task
from . import get_url, raise_on_error, _util
from .exceptions import MaxJobException, NotEnoughCreditsException, MissingJobException, UnauthorizedException

class JobState:
    Active = "Active"
    Terminating = "Terminating"
    Completed = "Completed"
    Deleting = "Deleting"

[docs]class Job(object): """Represents a Qarnot job. .. note:: A :class:`Job` must be created with :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.create_job` or retrieved with :meth:`` or :meth:`qarnot.connection.Connection.retrieve_job`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, name, pool=None, shortname=None, use_dependencies=False): """Create a new :class:`Job`. :param connection: the cluster on which to send the job :type connection: :class:`~qarnot.connection.Connection` :param name: given name of the job :type name: :class:`str` :param pool: which Pool to submit the job in, :type pool: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` or None :param shortname: userfriendly job name :type shortname: :class:`str` :param use_dependencies: allow dependencies between tasks in this job :type use_dependencies: :class:`bool` :param logger: which job to attach the task to :type logger: :class:`logging.Logger` """ self._connection = connection self._name = name self._shortname = shortname self._pool_uuid = None if pool is not None: if _util.is_string(pool): self._pool_uuid = pool else: self._pool_uuid = pool.uuid self._state = "" self._uuid = None self._creation_date = self._use_dependencies = use_dependencies self._max_wall_time = None self._update_cache_time = 5 self._auto_update = True self._last_auto_update_state = self._auto_update self._tags = [] self._last_modified = None self._last_cache = time.time() self._completion_time_to_live = "00:00:00" self._auto_delete = False self._previous_state = None self._state_transition_time = None self._previous_state_transition_time = None
@property def auto_update(self): """:type: :class:`bool` :getter: Returns this job's auto update state :setter: Sets this job's auto update state Auto update state, default to True When auto update is disabled properties will always return cached value for the object and a call to :meth:`update` will be required to get latest values from the REST Api. """ return self._auto_update @auto_update.setter def auto_update(self, value): """Setter for auto_update feature """ self._auto_update = value self._last_auto_update_state = self._auto_update @property def update_cache_time(self): """:type: :class:`int` :getter: Returns this job's auto update state :setter: Sets this job's auto update state Cache expiration time, default to 5s """ return self._update_cache_time @property def state(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: return this job's state State of the job. Value is in * UnSubmitted * Active, * Terminating, * Completed, * Deleting .. warning:: this is the state of the job when the object was retrieved, call :meth:`update` for up to date value. """ if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._state @property def tasks(self): """:type: List of :class:`~qarnot.task.Task` :getter: Returns this job tasks The tasks submitted in this job. .. note:: The tasks need to be actually submitted with :meth:`.Task.submit` to be recognized and displayed by the method :meth:`~qarnot.job.Job.tasks` """ if self._uuid is None: return response = self._connection._get(get_url('job tasks', uuid=self._uuid)) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(response)) raise_on_error(response) return [Task.from_json(self, task, True) for task in response.json()] @property def use_dependencies(self): """:type: :class:`bool` :getter: task's job can have dependencies :setter: Set if there is task's job dependencies Can be set until :meth:`submit` is called. """ return self._use_dependencies @use_dependencies.setter def use_dependencies(self, value): """setter for job""" if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") else: self._use_dependencies = value @property def uuid(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this job's uuid The job's uuid. Automatically set when a job is submitted. """ return self._uuid @property def name(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this job's name :setter: Sets this job's name The job's name. Can be set until job is submitted. """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): """Setter for name.""" if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") else: self._name = value @property def shortname(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this job's shortname :setter: Sets this job's shortname The job's shortname, must be DNS compliant and unique, if not provided, will default to :attr:`uuid`. Can be set until job is submitted. """ return self._shortname @shortname.setter def shortname(self, value): """Setter for shortname.""" if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") else: self._shortname = value @property def creation_date(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this job's creation date Creation date of the job (UTC Time) """ return self._creation_date @property def max_wall_time(self): """:type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns this job's maximum wall time :setter: Sets this job's maximum wall time The job's maximum wall time. It is a time span string. Format example: ``d.hh:mm:ss`` or ``hh:mm:ss`` Can be set until job is submitted. """ return self._max_wall_time @max_wall_time.setter def max_wall_time(self, value): """Setter for maximum wall time. In time span format example : ``d.hh:mm:ss`` or ``hh:mm:ss`` """ if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") elif _util.is_string(value): self._max_wall_time = value elif isinstance(value, datetime.timedelta): self._max_wall_time = _util.convert_timedelta_to_timespan_string(value) else: raise TypeError("Maximum wall time must be a time span format string (example: ``d.hh:mm:ss`` or ``hh:mm:ss`` )") @property def pool(self): """:type: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` :getter: Returns this job's pool :setter: Sets this job's pool The pool to run the job in. Can be set until :meth:`submit` is called. """ return self._connection.retrieve_pool(self._pool_uuid) @pool.setter def pool(self, value): """setter for pool""" if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") else: self._pool_uuid = value.uuid @staticmethod def _retrieve(connection, uuid): """Retrieve a submitted job given its uuid. :param qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster to retrieve the job from :param str uuid: the uuid of the job to retrieve :rtype: Job :returns: The retrieved job. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingJobException: no such job """ resp = connection._get(get_url('job update', uuid=uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) return Job.from_json(connection, resp.json())
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, connection, payload): """Create a Job object from a json job. :param qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster connection :param dict json_job: Dictionary representing the job :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.job.Job`. """ job = cls(connection, payload["name"], payload["poolUuid"], payload["shortname"], payload["useDependencies"]) job._uuid = payload["uuid"] job._state = payload["state"] job._creation_date = payload["creationDate"] job._last_modified = payload["lastModified"] job._max_wall_time = _util.parse_timedelta(payload["maxWallTime"]) job._auto_delete = payload["autoDeleteOnCompletion"] job._completion_time_to_live = payload["completionTimeToLive"] return job
def _to_json(self): """Get a dict ready to be json packed from this task.""" json_job = { 'name': self._name, 'poolUuid': self._pool_uuid, 'shortname': self._shortname, 'state': self._state, 'tags': self._tags, 'useDependencies': self._use_dependencies, 'maxWallTime': self._max_wall_time, 'autoDeleteOnCompletion': self._auto_delete, 'completionTimeToLive': self._completion_time_to_live } return json_job def _update(self, json_job): """Update this job from retrieved info.""" self._uuid = json_job['uuid'] self._name = json_job['name'] self._shortname = json_job.get('shortname') self._pool_uuid = json_job.get('poolUuid') self._use_dependencies = json_job.get('useDependencies') self._state = json_job['state'] self._creation_date = _util.parse_datetime(json_job['creationDate']) self._last_modified = json_job.get('lastModified') self._max_wall_time = json_job.get('maxWallTime') self._tags = json_job.get('tags', None) self._previous_state = json_job.get('previousState', None) self._state_transition_time = json_job.get('stateTransitionTime', None) self._previous_state_transition_time = json_job.get('previousStateTransitionTime', None)
[docs] def submit(self): """Submit job to the cluster if it is not already submitted. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MaxJobException: Job quota reached :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.NotEnoughCreditsException: Not enough credits :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials """ if self._uuid is not None and self._uuid != "": return self._state payload = self._to_json() resp = self._connection._post(get_url('jobs'), json=payload) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: error_message = _util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp) if "maximum number of jobs reached" in error_message.lower(): raise MaxJobException(error_message) raise UnauthorizedException(error_message) elif resp.status_code == 402: raise NotEnoughCreditsException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._uuid = resp.json()['uuid'] self.update(True)
[docs] def update(self, flushcache=False): """ Update the job object from the REST Api. The flushcache parameter can be used to force the update, otherwise a cached version of the object will be served when accessing properties of the object. Cache behavior is configurable with :attr:`auto_update` and :attr:`update_cache_time`. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingJobException: job does not exist """ if self._uuid is None: return now = time.time() if (now - self._last_cache) < self._update_cache_time and not flushcache: return resp = self._connection._get( get_url('job update', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._update(resp.json()) self._last_cache = time.time()
[docs] def terminate(self): """Terminate this job on the server and abort all remaining tasks in the job. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingJobException: job does not exist """ if self._uuid is None: return resp = self._connection._post(get_url('job terminate', uuid=self._uuid)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._state = JobState.Terminating
[docs] def delete(self, forceAbort=False): """Delete this job on the server. The forceAbort parameter can be used to force running task in the job to be aborted, :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: job still contains running tasks :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingJobException: job does not exist """ if self._uuid is None: return resp = self._connection._delete(get_url('job delete', uuid=self._uuid, force=forceAbort)) if resp.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise UnauthorizedException(_util.get_error_message_from_http_response(resp)) raise_on_error(resp) self._state = JobState.Deleting self._uuid = None
@property def auto_delete(self): """Autodelete this job if it is finished and your max number of job is reach Can be set until :meth:`submit` is called. :type: :class:`bool` :getter: Returns is this job must autodelete :setter: Sets this job's autodelete :default_value: "False" :raises AttributeError: if you try to reset the auto_delete after the job is submit """ return self._auto_delete @auto_delete.setter def auto_delete(self, value): """Setter for auto_delete, this can only be set before job's submission """ if self.uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a launched job") self._auto_delete = value @property def completion_ttl(self): """The job will be auto delete `completion_ttl` after it is finished Can be set until :meth:`submit` is called. :getter: Returns this job's completed time to live. :type: :class:`str` :setter: Sets this job's this job's completed time to live. :type: :class:`str` or :class:`datetime.timedelta` :default_value: "" :raises AttributeError: if you try to set it after the job is submitted The `completion_ttl` must be a timedelta or a time span format string (example: ``d.hh:mm:ss`` or ``hh:mm:ss`` ) """ return self._completion_time_to_live @completion_ttl.setter def completion_ttl(self, value): """Setter for completion_ttl, this can only be set before job's submission""" if self._uuid is not None: raise AttributeError("can't set attribute on a submitted job") self._completion_time_to_live = _util.parse_to_timespan_string(value) @property def tags(self): """:type: :class:list(`str`) :getter: Returns this job's tags :setter: Sets this job's tags Custom tags. """ if self._auto_update: self.update() return self._tags @tags.setter def tags(self, value): """Setter for tags""" if self._auto_update: self.update() self._tags = value @property def previous_state(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running job's previous state """ return self._previous_state @property def state_transition_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running job's transition state time job state transition time (UTC Time) """ return self._state_transition_time @property def previous_state_transition_time(self): """ :type: :class:`str` :getter: Returns the running job's previous transition state time job previous state transition time (UTC Time) """ return self._previous_state_transition_time def __repr__(self): return '{0} - {1} - {2} - Pool : {3} - {4} - Tags: {5} - UseDependencies : {6} '\ .format(, self.shortname, self._uuid, self._pool_uuid, self.state, self._tags, self._use_dependencies)