Source code for qarnot.connection

"""Module describing a connection."""

# Copyright 2017 Qarnot computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from logging import Logger
import sys
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional

from qarnot.helper import Log

from . import get_url, raise_on_error, __version__  # type: ignore
from .hardware_constraint import HardwareConstraint, CpuModelHardware
from .task import Task, BulkTaskResponse
from .pool import Pool
from .paginate import PaginateResponse, OffsetResponse
from .bucket import Bucket
from .job import Job
from ._filter import create_pool_filter, create_task_filter, create_job_filter
from ._retry import with_retry
from .exceptions import (QarnotGenericException, BucketStorageUnavailableException, MissingProfileException,
                         MissingTaskException, MissingPoolException, MissingJobException)
from ._util import get_error_message_from_http_response
import requests
import warnings
import os
import boto3
import concurrent.futures
import botocore
import deprecation
from json import dumps as json_dumps
import urllib3
import configparser as config

# class #

[docs]class Connection(object): """Represents the couple cluster/user to which submit tasks. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fileconf=None, client_token=None, cluster_url=None, cluster_unsafe=False, cluster_timeout=None, storage_url=None, storage_unsafe=False, retry_count=5, retry_wait=1.0, cluster_custom_certificate=None, storage_custom_certificate=None, sanitize_bucket_paths=True, show_bucket_warnings=True, logger: Logger = None): """Create a connection to a cluster with given config file, options or environment variables. Available environment variable are `QARNOT_CLUSTER_URL`, `QARNOT_CLUSTER_UNSAFE`, `QARNOT_CLUSTER_TIMEOUT` and `QARNOT_CLIENT_TOKEN`. :param fileconf: path to a qarnot configuration file or a corresponding dict :type fileconf: str or dict :param str client_token: API Token :param str cluster_url: (optional) Cluster url. :param bool cluster_unsafe: (optional) Disable certificate check :param int cluster_timeout: (optional) Timeout value for every request :param str storage_url: (optional) Storage service url. :param bool storage_unsafe: (optional) Disable certificate check :param int retry_count: (optional) ConnectionError retry count. Default to 5. :param float retry_wait: (optional) Retry on error wait time, progressive. (wait * (retry_count - retry_num). Default to 1s :param bool sanitize_bucket_paths: (optional) Flag to automatically sanitize bucket paths (remove extra slashes). Default to true :param bool show_bucket_warnings: (optional) Flag to show warnings of bucket paths sanitization. Default to true :param logger: which job to attach the task to :type logger: :class:`logging.Logger` Configuration sample: .. code-block:: ini [cluster] # url of the REST API url=https://localhost # No SSL verification ? unsafe=False [client] # auth string of the client token=login [storage] url=https://storage unsafe=False """ self.logger = logger if logger is not None else Log.get_logger_for_stream(sys.stdout) self.logger_stderr = logger if logger is not None else Log.get_logger_for_stream(sys.stderr) # to avoid breaking change of task stderr logs self._version = "qarnot-sdk-python/" + __version__ self._http = requests.session() self._retry_count = retry_count self._retry_wait = retry_wait self._sanitize_bucket_paths = sanitize_bucket_paths self._show_bucket_warnings = show_bucket_warnings if fileconf is not None: = None if isinstance(fileconf, dict): warnings.warn("Dict config should be replaced by constructor explicit arguments.") self.cluster = None if fileconf.get('cluster_url'): self.cluster = fileconf.get('cluster_url') if fileconf.get('storage_url'): = fileconf.get('storage_url') auth = fileconf.get('client_auth') self.timeout: int = int(fileconf.get('cluster_timeout')) if fileconf.get('cluster_unsafe'): self._http.verify = False elif fileconf.get('cluster_custom_certificate'): self._http.verify = fileconf.get('cluster_custom_certificate') else: cfg = config.ConfigParser() with open(fileconf, "r", encoding="utf-8") as cfg_file: cfg.read_string( self.cluster = None if cfg.has_option('cluster', 'url'): self.cluster = cfg.get('cluster', 'url') if cfg.has_option('storage', 'url'): = cfg.get('storage', 'url') if cfg.has_option('client', 'token'): auth = cfg.get('client', 'token') elif cfg.has_option('client', 'auth'): warnings.warn('auth is deprecated, use token instead.') auth = cfg.get('client', 'auth') else: auth = None self.timeout = None if cfg.has_option('cluster', 'timeout'): self.timeout = cfg.getint('cluster', 'timeout') if cfg.has_option('cluster', 'unsafe') \ and cfg.getboolean('cluster', 'unsafe'): self._http.verify = False elif cfg.has_option('cluster', 'custom_certificate'): self._http.verify = cfg.get('cluster', 'custom_certificate') if cfg.has_option('storage', 'unsafe') \ and cfg.getboolean('storage', 'unsafe'): storage_unsafe = True if cfg.has_option('storage', 'custom_certificate'): storage_custom_certificate = cfg.get('storage', 'custom_certificate') else: self.cluster = cluster_url self.timeout = cluster_timeout self._http.verify = not cluster_unsafe if not cluster_unsafe and cluster_custom_certificate: self._http.verify = cluster_custom_certificate = storage_url auth = client_token if not self._http.verify: urllib3.disable_warnings() if self.cluster is None: self.cluster = os.getenv("QARNOT_CLUSTER_URL") if is None: = os.getenv("QARNOT_STORAGE_URL") if auth is None: auth = os.getenv("QARNOT_CLIENT_TOKEN") if os.getenv("QARNOT_CLUSTER_UNSAFE") is not None: self._http.verify = not os.getenv("QARNOT_CLUSTER_UNSAFE") in ["true", "True", "1"] if os.getenv("QARNOT_CLUSTER_TIMEOUT") is not None: self.timeout = int(os.getenv("QARNOT_CLUSTER_TIMEOUT")) if auth is None: raise QarnotGenericException("Token is mandatory.") self._http.headers.update({"Authorization": auth}) self._http.headers.update({"User-Agent": self._version}) if self.cluster is None: self.cluster = "" api_settings = self._get(get_url("settings")).json() if is None: = api_settings.get("storage", "") if is None: # api_settings["storage"] is None self._s3client = None self._s3resource = None return user = self.user_info session = boto3.session.Session() conf = botocore.config.Config(user_agent=self._version) should_verify_or_certificate_path = True if storage_unsafe: should_verify_or_certificate_path = not storage_unsafe elif storage_custom_certificate is not None: should_verify_or_certificate_path = storage_custom_certificate self._s3client = session.client(service_name='s3',, aws_secret_access_key=auth, verify=should_verify_or_certificate_path,, config=conf) self._s3resource = session.resource(service_name='s3',, aws_secret_access_key=auth, verify=should_verify_or_certificate_path,, config=conf)
@with_retry def _get(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform a GET request on the cluster. :param str url: relative url of the file (according to the cluster url) :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` :returns: The response to the given request. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. note:: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying :func:`requests.Pool.get`. """ return self._http.get(self.cluster + url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs) @with_retry def _patch(self, url, json=None, **kwargs): """perform a PATCH request on the cluster :param str url: relative url of the file (according to the cluster url) :param json: the data to json serialize and post :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` :returns: The response to the given request. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. note:: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying :attr:``. """ kwargs = Connection._prepare_json_payload(json, **(kwargs or {})) return self._http.patch(self.cluster + url, timeout=self.timeout, **(kwargs or {})) @with_retry def _post(self, url, json=None, **kwargs): """perform a POST request on the cluster :param str url: relative url of the file (according to the cluster url) :param json: the data to json serialize and post :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` :returns: The response to the given request. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. note:: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying :attr:``. """ kwargs = Connection._prepare_json_payload(json, **(kwargs or {})) return + url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs) @with_retry def _delete(self, url, **kwargs): """Perform a DELETE request on the cluster. :param str url: relative url of the file (according to the cluster url) :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` :returns: The response to the given request. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials .. note:: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the underlying :attr:`requests.Pool.delete()`. """ return self._http.delete(self.cluster + url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs) @with_retry def _put(self, url, json=None, **kwargs): """Performs a PUT on the cluster.""" kwargs = Connection._prepare_json_payload(json, **(kwargs or {})) return self._http.put(self.cluster + url, timeout=self.timeout, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _prepare_json_payload(json, **kwargs): if json is None: return kwargs if 'headers' not in kwargs: kwargs['headers'] = dict() kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' kwargs['data'] = json_dumps(json) return kwargs @property def s3client(self): """Pre-configured s3 client object. :rtype: list(:class:`S3.Client`) :returns: A list of ObjectSummary resources """ return self._s3client @property def s3resource(self): """Pre-configured s3 resource object. :rtype: list(:class:`S3.ServiceResource`) :returns: A list of ObjectSummary resources """ return self._s3resource @property def user_info(self): """Get information of the current user on the cluster. :rtype: :class:`UserInfo` :returns: Requested information. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ resp = self._get(get_url('user')) raise_on_error(resp) ret = resp.json() return UserInfo(ret)
[docs] def buckets(self): """Get the list of buckets. :rtype: list(:class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`). :returns: List of buckets :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.BucketStorageUnavailableException: the bucket storage engine is not available """ if self._s3client is None: raise BucketStorageUnavailableException() buckets = [Bucket(self,, create=False) for x in self._s3resource.buckets.all()] return buckets
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.5.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Use the all_pools function instead") def pools(self, summary=True, tags_intersect=None, tags=None): """Get the list of pools stored on this cluster for this user. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the pools with tag intersect values. :param bool summary: only get the summaries. :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list of `str`, optional :rtype: List of :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. :returns: Pools stored on the cluster owned by the user. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 This function can be inefficient, Use :func:`all_pools` instead. """ return list(self.all_pools(summary=summary, tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect))
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.5.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Use the all_tasks function instead") def tasks(self, tags=None, summary=True, tags_intersect=None): """Get the list of tasks stored on this cluster for this user. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the tasks with tag_intersect values. :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list of `str`, optional :param bool summary: only get the summaries. :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :rtype: List of :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :returns: Tasks stored on the cluster owned by the user. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 This function can be inefficient, Use :func:`all_tasks` instead. """ return list(self.all_tasks(summary=summary, tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect))
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.5.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Use the all_jobs function instead") def jobs(self, tags=None, tags_intersect=None): """Get the list of jobs stored on this cluster for this user. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the jobs with tag intersect values. :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list of `str`, optional :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, the jobs must have all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details .. deprecated:: 2.5.0 This function can be inefficient, Use :func:`all_jobs` instead. """ return list(self.all_jobs(tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect))
[docs] def all_pools(self, summary: bool = True, tags: List[str] = None, tags_intersect: List[str] = None): """Get an iterator of all the pools. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the pools with tag intersect values. :param bool summary: only get the summaries. :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list of `str`, optional :rtype: List of :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. :returns: Pools stored on the cluster owned by the user. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ return self._all_pages(self.pools_page, summary=summary, tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect)
[docs] def all_tasks(self, summary: bool = True, tags: List[str] = None, tags_intersect: List[str] = None): """Get an iterator of all the tasks. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the tasks with tag_intersect values. :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list of `str`, optional :param bool summary: only get the summaries. :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :rtype: List of :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :returns: Tasks stored on the cluster owned by the user. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ return self._all_pages(self.tasks_page, summary=summary, tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect)
[docs] def all_jobs(self, tags: List[str] = None, tags_intersect: List[str] = None) -> Iterator[Iterable]: """Get an iterator of all the jobs. if tags and tags_intersect are set, the connection will only return the jobs with tag intersect values. :param tags: Desired filtering tags, any of them :type tags: list(`str`), optional :param tags_intersect: Desired filtering tags, the jobs must have all of them :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ return self._all_pages(self.jobs_page, tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect)
def _all_pages(self, page_function, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Iterable]: """Return all the pages of an object. :param page_function: the call function used to retrieve a paginate list. :type page_function: Function :yield: An object :rtype: Iterator[Iterable] """ next_token = None is_truncated = True while is_truncated: page = page_function(token=next_token, **kwargs) next_token = page.next_token is_truncated = page.is_truncated and next_token is not None for task in page.page_data: yield task
[docs] def all_hardware_constraints(self) -> Iterator[Iterable]: """Get all the hardware constraints. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ return self._all_offset_pages(self.hardware_constraints_page)
def _all_offset_pages(self, page_function, **kwargs) -> Iterator[Iterable]: """Return all the offset pages of an object. :param page_function: the call function used to retrieve an offset page list. :type page_function: Function :yield: An object :rtype: Iterator[Iterable] """ next_offset = 0 is_truncated = True while is_truncated: page = page_function(offset=next_offset, **kwargs) next_offset = page.offset + page.limit is_truncated = > next_offset for data in page.page_data: yield data def _paginate_request(self, filters: Dict, token: Optional[str], maximum: int) -> Dict: """A paginate request creator. :return: The json request to be call. :rtype: Dict """ return { "filter": filters, "token": token, "maximumResults": maximum } def _offset_request(self, limit: int, offset: int) -> Dict: """An offset request creator. :return: The dictionary of query parameters to add to request. :rtype: Dict """ return { "limit": limit, "offset": offset } def _offset_call(self, url, params) -> Dict: """Call the api and return the response body of the GET request :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :return: The response body :rtype: Dict """ response = self._get(url, params=params) raise_on_error(response) return response.json() def _page_call(self, url, request) -> Dict: """Call the api and return the response body :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details :return: The response body :rtype: Dict """ response = self._post(url, request) raise_on_error(response) return response.json()
[docs] def pools_page(self, token: Optional[str] = None, maximum: Optional[int] = None, summary: bool = True, tags: List = None, tags_intersect: List = None) -> PaginateResponse: """Return a paginate pool object retriever. :param summary: retrieve a full pool details if False or a pool summary if True, defaults to True :type summary: `bool`, optional :param tags_intersect: use a tag exclusive filter, defaults to None :type tags_intersect: list of `str` , optional :param token: the first paginate token to be used, defaults to None :type token: `str`, optional :param maximum: the maximum number of pages to retrieve, defaults to 10 :type maximum: `int`, optional :return: A paginate object :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.paginate.PaginateResponse` """ filters = create_pool_filter(tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect) url = get_url('paginate pools summaries') if summary and filters is None else get_url('paginate pools') result = self._page_call(url, self._paginate_request(filters, token, maximum)) data = [Pool.from_json(self, pool, summary) for pool in result["data"]] return PaginateResponse(token=result.get("token", token), next_token=result["nextToken"], is_truncated=result["isTruncated"], page_data=data)
[docs] def tasks_page(self, token: Optional[str] = None, maximum: Optional[int] = None, summary: bool = True, tags: List = None, tags_intersect: List = None) -> PaginateResponse: """Return a paginate task object. :param summary: retrieve a full task details if False or a task summary if True, defaults to True :type summary: `bool`, optional :param tags_intersect: use a tag exclusive filter, defaults to None :type tags_intersect: list of `str`, optional :param token: the first paginate token to be used, defaults to None :type token: `str`, optional :param maximum: the maximum number of pages to retrieve, defaults to 10 :type maximum: `int`, optional :return: A paginate object :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.paginate.PaginateResponse` """ filters = create_task_filter(tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect) url = get_url('paginate tasks summaries') if summary and filters is None else get_url('paginate tasks') result = self._page_call(url, self._paginate_request(filters, token, maximum)) data = [Task.from_json(self, task, summary) for task in result["data"]] return PaginateResponse(token=result.get("token", token), next_token=result["nextToken"], is_truncated=result["isTruncated"], page_data=data)
[docs] def jobs_page(self, token: Optional[str] = None, maximum: Optional[int] = None, tags: List = None, tags_intersect: List = None) -> PaginateResponse: """Return a paginate job object. :param tags_intersect: use a tag exclusive filter, defaults to None :type tags_intersect: list of `str` :param token: the first paginate token to be used, defaults to None :type token: `str`, optional :param maximum: the maximum number of pages to retrieve, defaults to 10 :type maximum: `int`, optional :return: A paginate object :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.paginate.PaginateResponse` """ filters = create_job_filter(tags=tags, tags_intersect=tags_intersect) result = self._page_call(get_url('paginate jobs'), self._paginate_request(filters, token, maximum)) data = [Job.from_json(self, job) for job in result["data"]] return PaginateResponse(token=result.get("token", token), next_token=result["nextToken"], is_truncated=result["isTruncated"], page_data=data)
[docs] def hardware_constraints_page(self, limit: Optional[int] = 50, offset: Optional[int] = 0) -> OffsetResponse: """Return a list of hardware constraints limited with offset. :param limit: limit the number of displayed constraints, defaults to 50 :type limit: `int`, optional :param offset: the number of constraints ignored in the response, defaults to 0 :type token: `int`, optional :return: An offset object :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.paginate.OffsetResponse` """ result = self._offset_call(get_url('hardware constraints'), self._offset_request(limit, offset)) data = [HardwareConstraint.from_json(hw_constraint) for hw_constraint in result["data"]] return OffsetResponse(total=result["total"], limit=result["limit"], offset=result["offset"], page_data=data)
[docs] def search_cpu_model_constraints(self, cpu_model: str) -> List[CpuModelHardware]: """Return a list of CPU model hardware constraints matching the search term. These constraints are ordered by relevancy. :param str cpu_model: search term to match available cpu constraints. :return: A list of CPU model hardware constraints ordered by relevancy. :rtype: list(:class:`~qarnot.hardware_constraint.CpuModelHardware`) """ response = self._get(get_url('cpu model constraints search'), params={'cpuModel': cpu_model}) raise_on_error(response) return [ HardwareConstraint.from_json(hw_constraint) for hw_constraint in response.json() ]
[docs] def retrieve_pool(self, uuid): """Retrieve a :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` from its uuid :param str uuid: Desired pool uuid :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` :returns: Existing pool defined by the given uuid :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingPoolException: pool does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ response = self._get(get_url('pool update', uuid=uuid)) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingPoolException(get_error_message_from_http_response(response)) raise_on_error(response) return Pool.from_json(self, response.json())
[docs] def retrieve_task(self, uuid): """Retrieve a :class:`~qarnot.task.Task` from its uuid :param str uuid: Desired task uuid :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.task.Task` :returns: Existing task defined by the given uuid :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingTaskException: task does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ response = self._get(get_url('task update', uuid=uuid)) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingTaskException(get_error_message_from_http_response(response)) raise_on_error(response) return Task.from_json(self, response.json())
[docs] def retrieve_job(self, uuid): """Retrieve a :class:`~qarnot.job.Job` from its uuid :param str uuid: Desired job uuid :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.job.Job` :returns: Existing job defined by the given uuid :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingJobException: job does not exist :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ response = self._get(get_url('job update', uuid=uuid)) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingJobException(get_error_message_from_http_response(response)) raise_on_error(response) return Job.from_json(self, response.json())
[docs] def retrieve_or_create_bucket(self, uuid): """Retrieve a :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` from its description, or create a new one. :param str uuid: the bucket uuid (name) :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` :returns: Existing or newly created bucket defined by the given name :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.BucketStorageUnavailableException: the bucket storage engine is not available """ if self._s3client is None: raise BucketStorageUnavailableException() return Bucket(self, uuid)
[docs] def retrieve_bucket(self, uuid): """Retrieve a :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` from its uuid (name) :param str uuid: Desired bucket uuid (name) :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` :returns: Existing bucket defined by the given uuid (name) :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.BucketStorageUnavailableException: the bucket storage engine is not available :raises: botocore.exceptions.ClientError: Bucket does not exist, or invalid credentials """ if self._s3client is None: raise BucketStorageUnavailableException() self._s3client.head_bucket(Bucket=uuid) return Bucket(self, uuid, create=False)
[docs] def create_pool(self, name, profile, instancecount=1, shortname=None): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. :param str name: given name of the pool :param str profile: which profile to use with this pool :param instancecount: number of instances to run for the pool :type instancecount: int :param str shortname: optional unique friendly shortname of the pool :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. .. note:: See available profiles with :meth:`profiles`. """ return Pool(self, name, profile, instancecount, shortname)
[docs] def create_elastic_pool(self, name, profile, minimum_total_slots=0, maximum_total_slots=1, minimum_idle_slots=0, minimum_idle_time_seconds=0, resize_factor=1, resize_period=90, shortname=None): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. :param str name: given name of the pool :param str profile: which profile to use with this pool :param int minimum_total_slots: minimum number of instances to run for the pool :param int maximum_total_slots: maximum number of instances to run for the pool :param int minimum_idle_slots: the number of instances that can be idle before considering shrinking the pool :param int minimum_idle_time_seconds: the number of seconds before considering shrinking the pool :param float resize_factor: the speed with which we grow the pool to meet the demand :param int resize_period: the time between the load checks that decide if the pool grows or shrinks :param str shortname: optional unique friendly shortname of the pool :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool`. .. note:: See available profiles with :meth:`profiles`. """ pool = Pool(self, name, profile, shortname=shortname) pool.setup_elastic(minimum_total_slots, maximum_total_slots, minimum_idle_slots, minimum_idle_time_seconds, resize_factor, resize_period) return pool
[docs] def create_task(self, name, profile_or_pool=None, instancecount_or_range=1, shortname=None, job=None): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :param str name: given name of the task :param profile_or_pool: which profile to use with this task, or which Pool to run task, or which job to attach it to. .. warning:: The :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` or :class:`~qarnot.job.Job` need to be already submitted to the api with :meth:`.Pool.submit` or :meth:`.Job.submit` in order to be correctly linked to the task. :type profile_or_pool: str or :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` or None :param instancecount_or_range: number of instances, or ranges on which to run task. Defaults to 1. :type instancecount_or_range: int or str :param str shortname: optional unique friendly shortname of the task :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.task.Task` :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :param job: which job to attach the task to :type job: :class:`~qarnot.job.Job` .. note:: See available profiles with :meth:`profiles`. """ return Task(self, name, profile_or_pool, instancecount_or_range, shortname, job)
[docs] def submit_tasks(self, tasks): """Submit a list of :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :param List of :class:`~qarnot.task.Task`. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details .. note:: Will ensure all added files are on the resource bucket regardless of their uploading mode. """ error_message = "" for task in tasks: task._pre_submit() payload = [task._to_json() for task in tasks] responses = self._post(get_url('tasks'), json=payload) if responses.status_code == 503: raise QarnotGenericException("Service Unavailable") raise_on_error(responses) bulk_responses = [BulkTaskResponse(x) for x in responses.json()] # The contract with the API is that the response list and the request list should be in the same order for i, response in enumerate(bulk_responses): if not response.is_success(): error_message += "[{0}] : {1}, {2}\n".format(tasks[i], response.status_code, response.message) else: tasks[i]._uuid = response.uuid tasks[i]._post_submit() if error_message: raise QarnotGenericException(error_message)
[docs] def profiles_names(self): """Get list of profiles names available on the cluster. :rtype: list of `str` :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ url = get_url('profiles') response = self._get(url) raise_on_error(response) return response.json()
[docs] def profile_details(self, profile_name): """Get a profile available on the cluster. :rtype: :class:`Profile` :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ url = get_url('profile details', profile=profile_name) response = self._get(url) if response.status_code == 404: return None raise_on_error(response) return Profile(response.json())
[docs] def profiles(self): """Get list of profiles available on the cluster. :rtype: list of :class:`Profile` :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor: return list(filter(lambda x: x is not None,, self.profiles_names())))
[docs] def retrieve_profile(self, name): """Get details of a profile from its name. :rtype: :class:`Profile` :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.UnauthorizedException: invalid credentials :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingProfileException: profile not found :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.QarnotGenericException: API general error, see message for details """ url = get_url('profile details', profile=name) response = self._get(url) if response.status_code == 404: raise MissingProfileException(get_error_message_from_http_response(response)) raise_on_error(response) return Profile(response.json())
[docs] def create_bucket(self, name): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. If the bucket already exist, retrieve the existing bucket. :param str name: bucket name :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` :returns: The created or existing :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. """ return Bucket(self, name)
[docs] def create_job(self, name, pool=None, shortname=None, useDependencies=False): """Create a new :class:`~qarnot.job.Job`. :param name: given name of the job :type name: :class:`str` :param pool: which Pool to submit the job in. .. warning:: The :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` needs to be already submitted to the api with :meth:`.Pool.submit` in order to be correctly linked to the job. :type pool: :class:`~qarnot.pool.Pool` or None :param shortname: userfriendly job name :type shortname: :class:`str` :param use_dependencies: allow dependencies between tasks in this job :type job: :class:`bool` :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.job.Job`. """ return Job(self, name, pool, shortname, useDependencies)
################### # utility Classes # ###################
[docs]class UserInfo(object): """Information about a qarnot user."""
[docs] def __init__(self, info): = info.get('email', '') """:type: :class:`str` User email address.""" self.max_bucket = info['maxBucket'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of buckets allowed (resource and result buckets).""" self.bucket_count = info.get('bucketCount', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Number of buckets owned by the user.""" self.quota_bytes_bucket = info['quotaBytesBucket'] """:type: :class:`int` Total storage space allowed for the user's buckets (in Bytes).""" self.used_quota_bytes_bucket = info['usedQuotaBytesBucket'] """:type: :class:`int` Total storage space used by the user's buckets (in Bytes).""" self.task_count = info['taskCount'] """:type: :class:`int` Total number of tasks belonging to the user.""" self.max_task = info['maxTask'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of tasks the user is allowed to create.""" self.running_task_count = info['runningTaskCount'] """:type: :class:`int` Number of tasks currently in 'Submitted' state.""" self.max_running_task = info['maxRunningTask'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of running tasks.""" self.max_instances = info['maxInstances'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of instances.""" self.max_cores = info['maxFlexCores'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of cores.""" self.max_pool = info['maxPool'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of pool the user is allowed to create.""" self.pool_count = info['poolCount'] """:type: :class:`int` Total number of pools belonging to the user.""" self.max_running_pool = info['maxRunningPool'] """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of running pools the user is allowed to create.""" self.running_pool_count = info['runningPoolCount'] """:type: :class:`int` Number of pools currently submitted or running.""" self.running_instance_count = info.get('runningInstanceCount', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Number of Instances currently submitted or running.""" self.running_core_count = info.get('runningCoreCount', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Number of cores currently submitted or running.""" self.max_flex_instances = info.get('maxFlexInstances', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of instances simultaneously used with Flex scheduling plan.""" self.max_flex_cores = info.get('maxFlexCores', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of cores simultaneously used with Flex scheduling plan.""" self.max_on_demand_instances = info.get('maxOnDemandInstances', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of instances simultaneously used with OnDemand scheduling plan.""" self.max_on_demand_cores = info.get('maxOnDemandCores', -1) """:type: :class:`int` Maximum number of cores simultaneously used with OnDemand scheduling plan."""
[docs]class Profile(object): """Information about a profile."""
[docs] def __init__(self, info): = info['name'] """:type: :class:`str` Name of the profile.""" self.constants = tuple((cst['name'], cst['value']) for cst in info['constants']) """:type: List of (:class:`str`, :class:`str`) List of couples (name, value) representing constants for this profile and their default values."""
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'Profile(name=%s, constants=%r}' % (, self.constants)