Source code for qarnot.bucket

"""Module for bucket object."""

# Copyright 2017 Qarnot computing
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import print_function

import hashlib
import io
import os
import posixpath
import shutil
import itertools
import deprecation

from . import __version__
from typing import Optional

from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig
from itertools import groupby
from operator import attrgetter

from . import _util
from .exceptions import BucketStorageUnavailableException, MissingBucketException
from .storage import Storage

from .advanced_bucket import Filtering, ResourcesTransformation
# Max size in bytes before uploading in parts.

AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024
# Size of parts when uploading in parts
AWS_UPLOAD_PART_SIZE = 8 * 1024 * 1024

s3_multipart_config = TransferConfig(

[docs] class Bucket(Storage): # pylint: disable=W0223 """Represents a resource/result bucket. This class is the interface to manage resources or results from a :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.BucketStorageUnavailableException: the bucket storage engine is not available .. note:: A :class:`Bucket` must be created with :meth:`.Connection.create_bucket` or retrieved with :meth:`.Connection.buckets`, :meth:`.Connection.retrieve_bucket`, or :meth:`.Connection.retrieve_or_create_bucket`. .. note:: Paths given as 'remote' arguments, (or as path arguments for :func:``) **must** be valid unix-like paths. """
[docs] def __init__(self, connection, name, create=True, filtering: Filtering = None, resources_transformation: ResourcesTransformation = None, cacheTTLSec: Optional[int] = None): super().__init__() if connection.s3client is None: raise BucketStorageUnavailableException() self._connection = connection self._uuid = name self._filtering: Optional[Filtering] = filtering or Filtering() self._resources_transformation: Optional[ResourcesTransformation] = \ resources_transformation or ResourcesTransformation() self._cache_ttl_sec: Optional[int] = cacheTTLSec if (self._connection._sanitize_bucket_paths): self._filtering.sanitize_filter_paths(self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) self._resources_transformation.sanitize_transformation_paths(self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) if create: self._connection.s3client.create_bucket(Bucket=name)
[docs] def to_json(self): """Get a dict ready to be json packed from this bucket.""" as_json_dict = dict() as_json_dict['bucketName'] = self._uuid as_json_dict['filtering'] = None if self._filtering is None else self._filtering.to_json() as_json_dict['resourcesTransformation'] = (None if self._resources_transformation is None else self._resources_transformation.to_json()) as_json_dict['cacheTTLSec'] = self._cache_ttl_sec return as_json_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, connection, json_bucket): """Create a Bucket object from a json advance bucket. :param ~qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster connection :param dict json_bucket: Dictionary representing the bucket :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. """ filtering = None if "filtering" in json_bucket and json_bucket['filtering']: filtering = Filtering.from_json(json_bucket['filtering']) resource_transformation = None if "resourcesTransformation" in json_bucket and json_bucket['resourcesTransformation']: resource_transformation = ResourcesTransformation.from_json(json_bucket['resourcesTransformation']) bucket = Bucket(connection, json_bucket['bucketName'], create=False, filtering=filtering, resources_transformation=resource_transformation, cacheTTLSec=json_bucket['cacheTTLSec']) return bucket
[docs] def with_filtering(self, filtering): """Create a new Bucket object from the given bucket with a specific filtering. examples: .. code-block:: python filtered_bucket = bucket.with_filtering(BucketPrefixFiltering("prefix1")) .. code-block:: python other_filtered_bucket = Bucket(connection, "name", False).with_filtering(BucketPrefixFiltering("prefix1")) :param ~qarnot.advanced_bucket.AbstractFiltering filtering: Filtering to add to the bucket. :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. """ bucket_copy = Bucket(self._connection, self._uuid, create=False, filtering=Filtering(), resources_transformation=self._resources_transformation) bucket_copy._filtering.append(filtering) return bucket_copy
[docs] def with_resource_transformation(self, resource): """Create a new Bucket object from the given bucket with a specific resource transformation. examples: .. code-block:: python trans_bucket = Bucket(connection, "name", False).with_resource_transformation(PrefixResourcesTransformation("prefix2")) .. code-block:: python trans_filtered_bucket = bucket.with_resource_transformation(PrefixResourcesTransformation("prefix2")).with_filtering(BucketPrefixFiltering("prefix1")) :param ~qarnot.advanced_bucket.AbstractResourcesTransformation resource: The resource transformation to add to the bucket. :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. """ bucket_copy = Bucket(self._connection, self._uuid, create=False, filtering=self._filtering, resources_transformation=ResourcesTransformation()) bucket_copy._resources_transformation.append(resource) return bucket_copy
[docs] def with_cache_ttl(self, ttl: int): """Create a new Bucket object from the given bucket with a specific cache ttl (in seconds). examples: .. code-block:: python new_bucket = bucket.with_cache_ttl(2592000) .. code-block:: python new_bucket = Bucket(connection, "name", False).with_cache_ttl(2592000) :param int ttl: Time to live for the bucket resource cache. :returns: The created :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket`. """ bucket_copy = Bucket(self._connection, self._uuid, create=False, filtering=self._filtering, resources_transformation=self._resources_transformation, cacheTTLSec=ttl) return bucket_copy
@classmethod def _retrieve(cls, connection, bucket_uuid): """Retrieve information of a bucket on a cluster. :param ~qarnot.connection.Connection connection: the cluster to get the bucket from :param str bucket_uuid: the UUID of the bucket to retrieve :rtype: :class:`~qarnot.bucket.Bucket` :returns: The retrieved bucket. :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.BucketStorageUnavailableException: the bucket storage engine is not available """ return connection.retrieve_bucket(uuid=bucket_uuid)
[docs] def delete(self): """ Delete the bucket represented by this :class:`Bucket`.""" n = 1000 # delete object count max request try: bucket = self._connection.s3resource.Bucket(self._uuid) versioned_bucket = self._connection.s3resource.BucketVersioning(self._uuid) if versioned_bucket.status == 'None': objectlist = list(bucket.objects.all()) listofobjectlist = [[{'Key': x.key} for x in objectlist[i:i + n]] for i in range(0, len(objectlist), n)] else: objectlist = list(bucket.object_versions.all()) listofobjectlist = [[{'Key': x.key, 'VersionId':} for x in objectlist[i:i + n]] for i in range(0, len(objectlist), n)] for item in listofobjectlist: bucket.delete_objects( Delete={ 'Objects': item } ) self._connection.s3client.delete_bucket(Bucket=self._uuid) except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot delete {}. Bucket not found.".format(err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err
[docs] def list_files(self): """List files in the bucket :rtype: list(:class:`S3.ObjectSummary`) :returns: A list of ObjectSummary resources """ try: bucket = self._connection.s3resource.Bucket(self._uuid) return [b for b in bucket.objects.all() if b.key is not None] except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot list files. Bucket {} not found.".format(err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err
[docs] def directory(self, directory=''): """List files in a directory of the bucket according to prefix. :rtype: list(:class:`S3.ObjectSummary`) :returns: A list of ObjectSummary resources """ bucket = self._connection.s3resource.Bucket(self._uuid) return bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=directory)
[docs] def sync_directory(self, directory, verbose=False, remote=None): """Synchronize a local directory with the remote buckets. :param str directory: The local directory to use for synchronization :param bool verbose: Print information about synchronization operations :param str remote: path of the directory on remote node (defaults to *local*) .. warning:: Local changes are reflected on the server, a file present on the bucket but not in the local directory will be deleted from the bucket. A file present in the directory but not in the bucket will be uploaded. .. note:: The following parameters are used to determine whether synchronization is required : * name * size * sha1sum """ if not directory.endswith(os.sep): directory += os.sep filesdict = {} for root, _, files in os.walk(directory): root = _util.decode(root) files = list(map(_util.decode, files)) for file_ in files: filepath = os.path.join(root, file_) name = filepath[len(directory):] name = name.replace(os.sep, '/') filesdict[name] = filepath self.sync_files(filesdict, verbose, remote)
[docs] def sync_files(self, files, verbose=False, remote=None): """Synchronize files with the remote buckets. :param dict files: Dictionary of synchronized files :param bool verbose: Print information about synchronization operations :param str remote: path of the directory on remote node (defaults to *local*) :raises ~qarnot.exceptions.MissingBucketException: the bucket is not on the server Dictionary key is the remote file path while value is the local file path. .. warning:: Local changes are reflected on the server, a file present on the bucket but not in the local directory will be deleted from the bucket. A file present in the directory but not in the bucket will be uploaded. .. note:: The following parameters are used to determine whether synchronization is required : * name * size * sha1sum """ class Comparable(object): def __init__(self, name_, e_tag, filepath_): = name_ self.e_tag = e_tag self.filepath = filepath_ def __repr__(self): return "Name {0}, ETag {1}".format(, self.e_tag) def __eq__(self, other): return == and self.e_tag == other.e_tag def __hash__(self): return hash( ^ hash(self.e_tag) def aws_md5sum(sourcepath): if os.stat(sourcepath).st_size < AWS_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE: hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(sourcepath, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return "\"{0}\"".format(hash_md5.hexdigest()) else: md5s = [] with open(sourcepath, 'rb') as fp: while True: data = if not data: break md5s.append(hashlib.md5(data)) digests = b"".join(m.digest() for m in md5s) new_md5 = hashlib.md5(digests) return "\"{0}-{1}\"".format(new_md5.hexdigest(), len(md5s)) def localtocomparable(name_, filepath_, remote): if remote is not None: name_ = os.path.join(remote, name_.lstrip('/')) return Comparable(name_.replace(os.sep, '/'), aws_md5sum(filepath_), filepath_) def objectsummarytocomparable(object_): return Comparable(object_.key, object_.e_tag, None) try: localfiles = set() if self._connection._sanitize_bucket_paths: remote = _util.get_sanitized_bucket_path(remote, self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) for name, filepath in files.items(): localfiles.add(localtocomparable(name.replace(os.path.sep, '/'), filepath, remote)) remotefiles = set(map(objectsummarytocomparable, self.list_files())) adds = localfiles - remotefiles removes = remotefiles - localfiles seen_tags = set() # To avoid copying the same objects multiple times when renaming for file_ in removes: if remote is not None and not continue renames = (x for x in adds if x.e_tag not in seen_tags and x.e_tag == file_.e_tag and all( != for rem in remotefiles)) for dup in renames: if verbose:"Copy %s to %s" % (, self.copy_file(, if verbose:"Remove: %s" % self.delete_file( seen_tags.add(file_.e_tag) remotefiles = set(map(objectsummarytocomparable, self.list_files())) sadds = sorted(adds, key=lambda x: x.e_tag) groupedadds = (list(g) for _, g in itertools.groupby(sadds, lambda x: x.e_tag)) for entry in groupedadds: try: rem = next(x for x in remotefiles if x.e_tag == entry[0].e_tag) if == entry[0].name: continue if verbose:"Copy %s to %s" % (, entry[0].name)) self.copy_file(, entry[0].name) except StopIteration: if verbose:"Upload: %s -> %s" % (entry[0].filepath, entry[0].name)) self.add_file(entry[0].filepath, entry[0].name) for link in entry[1:]: # duplicate files if verbose:"Copy %s to %s" % (entry[0].name, self.copy_file(entry[0].name, except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot sync files. Bucket {} not found.".format(err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err
[docs] def add_string(self, string, remote): """Add a string on the storage. :param str string: the string to add :param str remote: name of the remote file """ self.add_file(io.BytesIO(bytes(string, 'utf-8')), remote)
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.add_file) def add_file(self, local_or_file, remote=None): tobeclosed = False if self._connection._sanitize_bucket_paths: remote = _util.get_sanitized_bucket_path(remote, self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) if _util.is_string(local_or_file): file_ = open(local_or_file, 'rb') tobeclosed = True else: file_ = local_or_file dest = remote or os.path.basename( try: self._connection.s3client.upload_fileobj(file_, self._uuid, dest, Config=s3_multipart_config) except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot add string. Bucket {} not found.".format(err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err finally: if tobeclosed: file_.close()
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.get_all_files) def get_all_files(self, output_dir, progress=None): try: list_files_only = [x for x in self.list_files() if not x.key.endswith('/')] list_directories_only = [x for x in self.list_files() if x.key.endswith('/')] except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot get files. Bucket {} not found.".format(err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err for directory in list_directories_only: if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(output_dir, directory.key.lstrip('/'))): os.makedirs(os.path.join(output_dir, directory.key.lstrip('/'))) for _, dupes in groupby(sorted(list_files_only, key=attrgetter('e_tag')), attrgetter('e_tag')): file_info = next(dupes) first_file = os.path.join(output_dir, file_info.key.lstrip('/')) self.get_file(file_info.get()['Body'], local=first_file) # avoids making a useless HEAD request for dupe in dupes: local = os.path.join(output_dir, dupe.key.lstrip('/')) directory = os.path.dirname(local) if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if (os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(local)) is not os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(first_file))): shutil.copy(first_file, local)
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.get_file) def get_file(self, remote, local=None, progress=None): return super(Bucket, self).get_file(remote, local, progress)
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.add_directory) def add_directory(self, local, remote=""): if not os.path.isdir(local): raise IOError("Not a valid directory") if self._connection._sanitize_bucket_paths: remote = _util.get_sanitized_bucket_path(remote, self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) if remote and not remote.endswith('/'): remote += '/' for dirpath, _, files in os.walk(local): dirpath = _util.decode(dirpath) files = list(map(_util.decode, files)) remote_loc = dirpath.replace(local, remote, 1) for filename in files: self.add_file(os.path.join(dirpath, filename), posixpath.join(remote_loc, filename))
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.copy_file) def copy_file(self, source, dest): try: copy_source = { 'Bucket': self._uuid, 'Key': source } return self._connection.s3client.copy_object(CopySource=copy_source, Bucket=self._uuid, Key=dest) except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot copy file {} to {} from bucket {}. Bucket not found.".format(source, dest, err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.6.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Legacy function") @_util.copy_docs(Storage.flush) def flush(self): pass
[docs] @deprecation.deprecated(deprecated_in="2.6.0", removed_in="3.0", current_version=__version__, # type: ignore details="Legacy function") @_util.copy_docs(Storage.update) def update(self, flush=False): pass
def _download_file(self, remote, local, progress=None): with open(local, 'wb') as data: if hasattr(remote, 'read'): shutil.copyfileobj(remote, data) else: try: self._connection.s3client.download_fileobj(self._uuid, remote, data) except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot download file {} from bucket {}. Bucket not found.".format(remote, err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err return local
[docs] @_util.copy_docs(Storage.delete_file) def delete_file(self, remote): try: if self._connection._sanitize_bucket_paths: remote = _util.get_sanitized_bucket_path(remote, self._connection._show_bucket_warnings) self._connection.s3client.delete_object(Bucket=self._uuid, Key=remote) except self._connection.s3resource.meta.client.exceptions.NoSuchBucket as err: raise MissingBucketException("Cannot delete file {} from bucket {}. Bucket not found.".format(remote, err.response['Error']['BucketName'])) from err
@property def uuid(self): """ Bucket identifier""" return self._uuid @property def description(self): """ Bucket identifier""" return self._uuid